Seminal Successes

LAS VEGAS, March 4, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Recent events in and around California have certainly improved the landscape for alternative fuel companies and green equities. A change in Washington and the American public portends well for those companies which are increasing efficiency, lowering emissions, or otherwise helping to save the planet. 

But with this new interest and subsequent opportunity comes a cast of companies hoping to cast their rod into rich waters. Sadly, all technologies are not the same despite what is often a common nomenclature. Fortunately, there are ways to tell the difference. 

For example, Vision Industries Corp. (OTCBB:VIIC), producer of the zero emission electric/hydrogen hybrid Tyrano™ truck, has assembled a series of accomplishments and accolades that set a promising tone for the company and its shareholders. Not least among these achievements is an announcement just yesterday that Vision has received the Environmental Sustainability Award, a certificate of recognition by the California Senate.  

In what many would argue is the largest green-leaning state in the country, this is certainly a mark of excellence for Vision. Factor in the massive Port of Los Angeles's embracing of Vision and Gov. Schwarzenegger's very public applause for the Tyrano and you begin to see a pattern. Few companies in this space -- if any -- will assemble such a California resume. 

In a broader sense, California must be seen as half-powder keg/half-Petri dish where Vision can literally lay tracks and create a model of performance that may well bring other municipalities over the fence between doubt and sale. The rewards in California are clearly enormous and it's obvious given recent evidence why Vision has chosen this seminal path. Nonetheless, a longer view would hold that today's successes in California are but the tip of the proverbial iceberg. 

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