DKK 9.1 billion State Guarantee for the Eik Banki Group

The Eik Banki Group has entered into an agreement with the Danish Financial
Stability Company, allowing the Group to take out state backed loans for up to
a total of DKK 9.1 billion. 

The agreement entails a loan-guarantee frame of DKK 6.6 billion for the parent
company Eik Banki P/F in the Faroe Islands, and DKK 2.5 billion for the
subsidiary Eik Bank Danmark A/S, respectively. 

Marner Jacobsen, CEO of the Eik Banki Group, says:

“The state backed guarantee of DKK 9.1 billion will be used to refinance loans
due in 2010 and 2011, and to ensure comfortable liquidity for the Group, also
after 30 September 2010, when Credit Package I expires.” 

Eik Banki Group announces its Annual Report 2009 on Friday 19 March 2010.


Marner Jacobsen	Finn Danberg
Group CEO	       Director, Group CFO

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stock_exchange_announcement_03_2010_financial stability.pdf