Minutes of AGM 2010

Saturday 27 March 2010 at 5.00 p.m. local time, at the Nordic House in
Tórshavn, Faroe Islands the Annual General Meeting of Eik Banki P/F was held
according to the previously announced agenda: 

1.	Board of Directors' Report on the company's activities in the past financial
year was approved. 
2.	The audited Annual Report was approved.
3.	Resolution on loss appropriation in accordance with the adopted Annual
Report. No dividend is distributed to shareholders. 
4.	Proposal to authorize the Board of Directors to buy own shares in the period
till the next Annual General Meeting was adopted. 
5.	Proposed amendments to the §§ 15.1 and 15.2 in Articles of Association for
Eik Banki P/F regarding a reduction of boardmembers elected by the General
Meeting from 7 to 6, and to change the election period from 4 years to 3 years
were approved. Copies of amended Articles of Assocation are enclosed in this
6.	Mr Jacob Leth was elected new member of the Board of Directors.
7.	State authorized auditor Hans Laksá and state authorised auditing company
Deloitte, Denmark were appointed independent auditors. 

At the board meeting held immediately after the General meeting, Mr Frithleif
Olsen was re-elected Chariman and Odd Bjellvåg was re-elected Deputy Chairman
of the Board of Directors. 

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Yours sincerely

Frithleif Olsen, Chairman

Pièces jointes

vidtokur_eik_banki_27mars.pdf stock exchange announcement 07_2010.pdf articles_association_eik_banki_27march.pdf