Earth Day Tips for a Greener IT Infrastructure From DocPath

Document Software Company Says "Don't Hit That Print Button Just Yet"

ATLANTA, April 21, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Companies looking to "go green" with their computer systems can ensure that the document and printing part are taken into account with "Five Earth Day Tips for Greener Printing" from DocPath, a document software company.

"Green IT continues to be a significant initiative for many small and large businesses, but in these economic times, it is simply not enough to just be green," said Julio Olivares, CEO of DocPath. "Any green program must save money and time, in addition to helping the environment, and document management and printing represents an often overlooked area that has significant potential for cost savings within any organization."

According to, the average office worker uses 10,000 sheets of copy paper per year in the United States. That translates into nearly 3.7 million tons, or 700 billion sheets annually. Beyond the costs and waste associated with the paper itself, energy, ink and equipment costs associated with the production of each one of those pages must be also considered.

DocPath, which makes software that helps companies efficiently manage their document and printing needs, offers these tips to help companies reduce the waste AND the costs associated with the printed page:

1.) Consider a print control system that can manage and monitor all the work that is printed in any organization. This includes assigning printing quotas to offices or entire divisions, as well as providing detailed and actionable reports on where potential savings can be made in an organization.

2.) When printing is required, make sure that black and white, and duplex (doubled-sided) printing is used as the default and only enable color when it is required to conduct business. Color inks are more expensive and color printers use more energy than their black and white counterparts.

3.) Use electronic document processing software, which saves time as well as provides savings by avoiding costs associated with printing and paper storage.

4.) All-in-one machines that can print, fax, copy, scan and send and receive electronic documents by email represent a huge potential savings in capital costs, as well as energy savings by eliminating multiple machines.

5.) Challenge your office to go paperless and provide organizational incentives to reduce print output. For example, after determining an office's, division's or company's print output, offer tiered bonus incentives for reducing that amount each year. A payment option for each printed page could be implemented, making workers think before they print, and save up to 30 percent.

About DocPath

DocPath (, based in Madrid, Spain, is a leading provider of document software technology that helps large and small businesses worldwide save time and money with the design, generation and distribution of critical business documents.  

DocPath and the DocPath logo are DocPath Document Solutions registered trademarks. All rights reserved. Other mentioned trademarks may be property of their respective owners.

