Alma Media Corporation Stock Exchange Release April 30, 2010 at 9.15 (EEST) INSIDER TRADING INVESTIGATION INTO LSO OSUUSKUNTA'S SHARE TRADING HAS LED TO A CHARGE AGAINST MR. KAI SEIKKU, THE PRESIDENT OF OKMETIC OYJ AND A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ALMA MEDIA According to the information Alma Media has received, the district prosecutor of Helsinki has decided to bring a charge related to abuse of insider information against, among others, Mr. Kai Seikku, the President of Okmetic Oyj. The charge is related to alleged abuse of insider information in connection with LSO Osuuskunta's trading in HK-Ruokatalo Group Corporation's (presently HKScan Corporation) shares in August 2006. Based on the clarification received from Kai Seikku, the Board of Alma Media regards Kai Seikku capable of continuing in his role as a member of the Board in a normal manner. The company monitors the progress in the proceedings and revisits the issue latest when the outcome of the proceedings has been determined. Alma Media Corporation Board of Directors For additional information, please contact: Mikko Korttila, General Councel and Secretary to the Board of Directors, tel. 010 665 2201 Distribution: NASDAQ OMX Helsinki, main media Alma Media in brief Alma Media is a profitable and internationally expanding company with a focus on the future of newspapers and online services. Its best known products are the Aamulehti, Iltalehti, Kauppalehti and Alma Media's net sales in 2009 totaled MEUR 307.8 with an operating margin of 13.5 per cent. The company's share (ALN1V) is listed in the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Exchange. Read more at [HUG#1410383]
Insider trading investigation into LSO Osuuskunta's share trading has led to a charge against Mr Kai Seikku, the President of Okmetic Oyj and a member of the Board of Directors of Alma Media
| Source: Alma Media