On 29 April 2010 the Supervisory Board of AS Järvevana approved the annual report 2009 and profit allocation proposal prepared by the Management Board of AS Järvevana for presentation at the annual general meeting. The Management Board has made a proposal for the general meeting of the shareholders not to pay dividends to shareholders. AS Järvevana audited annual report for 2009 is made available on NASDAQ OMX Tallinn web page. AUDITED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 2009 consolidated, in thousand EEK and EUR EEK EUR 2009 2008 2009 2008 Revenue - 2 798 466 - 178 854 Cost of goods sold - (2 273 798) - (145 322) GROSS PROFIT - 524 668 - 33 532 Marketing expenses - (21 143) - (1 351) Administrative and general expenses (9 273) (123 699) (593) (7 906) Other operating income - 6 781 - 434 Other operating expenses - (7 773) - (497) OPERATING PROFIT (9 273) 378 834 (593) 24 212 Financial income 7 174 16 618 459 1 062 Financial expenses (3) (15 917) 0 (1 017) Profit from associates/joint ventures - 1 282 - 82 PROFIT BEFORE TAX (2 102) 380 817 (134) 24 339 Corporate income tax expense - (41 100) - (2 627) Net profit for current period (2 102) 339 717 (134) 21 712 incl. equity holders of the parent (2 102) 335 502 (134) 21 442 minority interest - 4 215 - 270 Other comprehensive income Exchange differences on translating foreign subsidiaries - 5 085 - 325 Comprehensive income for curr. per. (2 102) 344 802 (134) 22 037 incl. equity holders of the parent (2 102) 340 587 (134) 21 767 minority interest - 4 215 - 270 Earnings per share for profit attributable to the equity holders of the parent (basic and diluted, in EEK and EUR) (0,12) 18,95 (0,01) 1,21 AUDITED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS OF 31.12.2009 consolidated, in thousand EEK and EUR EEK EUR 31.12.2009 31.12.2008 31.12.2009 31.12.2008 ASSETS Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 30 425 26 242 1 944 1 677 Short-term deposits 10 000 - 639 - Trade and other receivables 209 890 225 927 13 415 14 439 Total current assets 250 315 252 169 15 998 16 116 Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 40 - 2 - Total non-current assets 40 - 2 - TOTAL ASSETS 250 355 252 169 16 000 16 116 LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY Current liabilities Trade and other payables 530 242 34 16 Short-term provisions 17 500 17 500 1 118 1 118 Total current liabilities 18 030 17 742 1 152 1 134 Total liabilities 18 030 17 742 1 152 1 134 Equity Share capital 177 000 177 000 11 312 11 312 Statutory reserve capital 17 700 17 700 1 131 1 131 Retained earnings 37 625 39 727 2 405 2 539 Total equity 232 325 234 427 14 848 14 982 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 250 355 252 169 16 000 16 116 Toomas Annus Member of Board +372 6 805 400 toomas.annus@merko.ee