Axcelis Scheduled to Join Russell 3000(R) Index

BEVERLY, Mass., June 21, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Axcelis Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq:ACLS) today announced that it expects to rejoin the broad-market Russell 3000® Index, based on a preliminary list of additions posted June 11, 2010 on The reconstitution of the Russell Indexes will take place on June 25, 2010 after the market closes.

"Axcelis is very pleased to be selected to rejoin the Russell 3000 Index," commented Stephen Bassett, executive vice president and CFO. Our selection for membership on the Russell 3000 index reflects the significant progress the business has made over the past year and should increase awareness of Axcelis' achievements by a broad range of institutions and investors."

The annual reconstitution of the Russell's U.S. indexes captures the 4,000 largest U.S. stocks as of the end of May, ranking them by total market capitalization. Membership in the Russell 3000, which remains in place for one year, means automatic inclusion in the large-cap Russell 1000® Index or small-cap Russell 2000® Index as well as the appropriate growth and value style indexes. Russell determines membership for its equity indexes primarily by objective, market-capitalization rankings and style attributes. The Russell 3000 also serves as the U.S. component to the Russell Global Index, which Russell launched in 2007.

About Axcelis

Axcelis Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq:ACLS) headquartered in Beverly, Massachusetts, provides innovative, high-productivity solutions for the semiconductor industry. Axcelis is dedicated to developing enabling process applications through the design, manufacture and complete life support of ion implantation and cleaning systems. The company's Internet address is:


