Equity Highrise Marketing Announces Free Reputation Management Tools Every Business Should be Using

SAN DIEGO, Aug. 5, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- According to Equity Highrise Marketing, online reputation management can be time-consuming and expensive. But it doesn't have to be. Try these free, effective solutions to monitor and protect your business reputation. You will sleep better at night knowing you are aware of what is being said online about your business.

1) Sign-up for a Free Reputation Management and Social Media Monitoring Service

The chatmeter tracks everything you need to monitor in one easy to understand report. If someone has mentioned you online, chatmeter will find it. The service was created especially for brick-and-mortar businesses that service customers in person. The free service includes customer review, blog, and social media tracking; search engine rankings including local search rankings; and a business listing manager that searches for your listings and locates inaccuracies. Their premium service tracks your competitors and includes custom recommendations to improve search rankings. Good search rankings can help to generate new business.

2) Subscribe to Google and Yahoo News Alerts

News alerts automatically notify subscribers when new content matches the search terms you select. You can use alerts to find out what is being said about your business, monitor news, and stay informed about the competition. Notifications can be received in a number of ways. Most people have them sent by email. You can also select the frequency of alert notification. Most people choose as-it-happens to receive updates in near real-time.

To ensure you're covering all your bases, create alerts for the following:

  • Company Name. If your company name is two or more words, put it in quotation marks. An alert for "Taco Bell" will hone in on the exact company name, while an alert for Taco Bell will result in many false positives - alerts that contain the two words "Taco" and "Bell" but not the specific company.
  • Company Website URL. Many articles, posts, and comments will include a company URL while not necessarily mentioning the name of the company.
  • Names of products or services. Be sure to avoid generic terms, or you'll get too many results to effectively monitor results.
  • Competitors Names and Products or Services. This is a good way to stay ahead of the competition.

3) Monitor Blogs on Technorati

Using Technorati ensures real-time access to information that can be critical to managing your online reputation. Technorati scans blogs rather than news. If a blog allows comments, a well-written response to a negative blog post or comment can do wonders for company's image. It is also equally important to show appreciation for positive comments. Responding to blog posts is an excellent opportunity to show customers that you care about their opinion and is an opportunity to generate new business and customer loyalty.

About Equity Highrise

Equity Highrise Marketing is a full-service internet marketing firm. EH specializes in executing successful marketing campaigns with measurable results for each and every client.

The Equity Highrise Marketing logo is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=7811

