iPressroom Offers Cost-Effective Online Newsroom Solutions for Limited University Budgets

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 10, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- iPressroom, Inc. (http://www.ipressroom.com), the leader in online newsrooms and PR software, offers colleges and universities a budget sensitive communications solution for distributing news and information in a more timely manner.

Online pressrooms are a valuable resource for journalists, students and faculty to access and receive the latest news and announcements, and also serve as the media response center in a crisis situation.

"As state budget cuts continue to force colleges and universities to trim resources, iPressroom offers a cost-effective means to manage and digitally distribute a large volume of media content that is easily searchable and sortable," said Chris Bechtel, president and CEO of iPressroom. "We want to help institutions of higher learning gain more exposure in the media and with their audiences while also helping their bottom line."

UCLA approached iPressroom in 2008 with communication issues similar to many colleges and universities. They needed to coalesce and distribute large amounts of content from a diverse group of departments and affiliated university organizations, doing so in a manner that fit their PR and marketing budget. They also needed an application that would provide the capability to constantly update their site without technical delays.

UCLA's PR dilemma was addressed with an online newsroom that aided their budget while maximizing their media exposure and online communication capabilities (http://newsroom.ucla.edu/portal/ucla/default.aspx). Just a few of UCLA's newsroom features include:

  • Up-to-the minute postings of news announcements, photos, videos, faculty bios and blogs for reporters and site visitors to easily view and download.
  • Multiple RSS feeds, Social Media channels, and sharing capabilities to spread UCLA news on the web.
  • A Best-Practices Content Management System (CMS) that uploads information to the newsroom, distributes announcements from UCLA's database, and provides online metrics highlighting their success.

For more information on iPressroom's online newsroom services for colleges and universities, visit www.ipressroom.com or call 800.514.1897 ext. 500.

About iPressroom

iPressroom, Inc., is a hosted content management software platform for online newsrooms, websites and social media communications that has delivered millions of pages of news and digital media content for many of the leading companies and organizations in the U.S. including Epson, Target, Toyota, Xerox and UCLA, among many others. Designed by marketing and PR professionals with decades of experience delivering on the needs of journalists on deadline, iPressroom provides practical tools and expert guidance for managing measurable online marketing communications campaigns that drive revenue by converting interest into sales leads.

The iPressroom Corporation logo is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=3006

