Amagerbanken invites subscriptions for the planned rights offering.

Announcement no. 25 - 2010  
                                                                  17 August 2010

Company announcement                                                            

Amagerbanken invites subscriptions for the planned rights offering.             

Amagerbanken will today publish a prospectus in connection with a planned rights
offering pursuant to a resolution carried by the general meeting today to reduce
the share capital by the nominal amount of DKK 565,645,830 with allocation to a 
separate fund and the simultaneous decision to increase the share capital by the
minimum nominal amount of DKK 565,645,830 and the maximum nominal amount of DKK 

The subscription price is DKK 3 per share of DKK 3 nominal value.               

The new shares are offered to existing shareholders at a ratio of 9:1. Existing 
shareholders will be granted 9 subscription rights for each existing share of a 
nominal value of DKK 20. 1 subscription right will entitle the holder to        
subscribe for 1 new share of a nominal value of DKK 3.                          

The subscription period runs from 24 August 2010 to 7 September 2010, both days 

The bank expects that the combined offering will generate proceeds net of costs 
of between approx. DKK 878m and the prerequisite amount of DKK 750m, unless the 
Financial Stability Company considers the condition under the individual        
government guarantee regarding the bank's increase of its capital base to have  
been fulfilled by a lesser amount subject to a minimum of DKK 565,645,830.      

The offering is not underwritten.                                               

                                Yours faithfully                                
                            A M A G E R B A N K E N                             
                        N.E. Nielsen		Jørgen Brændstrup                         
	                Chairman	         Managing Director
                                              & Chief Executive

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omx-nr  25 -uk - offentliggrelse af prospekt.pdf