City of Livonia, Michigan Counts on Exalt for Key Communications Link

Exalt Microwave Backhaul System Provides Fiber-Quality Connection to City's Department of Public Works; Will Pay for Itself in One Year

CAMPBELL, CA--(Marketwire - August 17, 2010) -  Exalt Communications today announced that the City of Livonia, Michigan has deployed an Exalt microwave backhaul system to provide a crucial communications link between its City Hall and Department of Public Works. The system replaces an older microwave system that could not deliver the Ethernet capacity required by the Department to serve this city of 100,000 residents.

"We considered running fiber between the two locations to support the Ethernet requirement, but fiber was cost-prohibitive even though the sites are only a mile and a half apart," said Dan Putman, IS Director for the City of Livonia. "Instead, we chose an Exalt microwave backhaul system because it's basically wireless fiber, and enables us to provide the Department of Public Works with the secure and reliable network bandwidth it needs without the costs and complications of installing fiber."

The Exalt all-outdoor system deployed by the City supports a broad range of applications critical to the operation and delivery of City services including permitting, public improvements, maintenance of City parks, roadways, utility pipelines, and facilities, and dozens more. The Exalt system has been completely reliable since it was installed, despite severe winter weather.

As with all Exalt microwave backhaul systems, the system deployed by the City of Livonia transparently integrates within existing WLAN and WAN network architectures, eliminates monthly recurring lease line costs, and offers pay-as-you-grow scalability, with a low-cost base capacity configuration that can be increased incrementally through simple, cost-effective software key upgrades.

"When it comes to deciding between trenching fiber at $200,000 per mile -- and disrupting city streets over a period of weeks or months -- or deploying an Exalt fiber-quality microwave backhaul system in one day, the choice is clear-cut," said Amir Zoufonoun, CEO of Exalt Communications. "Exalt microwave backhaul systems deliver the performance of fiber with higher reliability, pay-as-grow-scalability, and lower deployment costs, all critical considerations for cities like Livonia who want to improve their city services without breaking their budgets."

The Exalt Microwave Backhaul Product Portfolio
All Exalt microwave backhaul systems -- indoor, outdoor, and split-mount -- offer guaranteed link availability, guaranteed throughput and low, constant latency. Systems are available in world bands from 2 to 40 GHz and in capacities from 10 Mbps to more than 1000 Mbps per channel, providing a range of options to fit countless network applications. Designed to enable a smooth transition to IP, they offer native support for both TDM and Ethernet, and are fully software configurable and upgradeable. For easy and secure management using third-party network management systems, Exalt systems support SNMP v1, v2c and v3. Data security is provided by available FIPS 197-compliant AES 128-bit and 256-bit encryption that adds zero latency to the transmission. To simplify installation and maintenance, all Exalt systems feature an embedded manual and most include a built-in spectrum analyzer.

About Exalt Communications
Exalt Communications provides next-generation microwave backhaul systems to service providers, government organizations and enterprises worldwide. Exalt systems are designed to solve the network bottlenecks associated with the growing demand for IP-based voice, data and video applications and the resulting migration from TDM to IP-based networks. With a flexible architecture and universal product platform covering multiple market segments, Exalt provides a full range of microwave radio systems that meet the demand for cost-effective and flexible alternatives to fiber and leased lines.

Contact Information:

Media Contacts:

Pamela Valentine
VP Marketing
Outbound & Channel
Exalt Communications
408-871-1804 x351

Michael Schoolnik
Story Public Relations