CORRECTION: The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V. issues equity linked-notes

The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V. is intending to issue on 8 October 2010 under
its Base Prospectus relating to Exchange Traded Notes and Exchange Traded
Commodities with a Fixed Maturity dated 20 May 2010, as supplemented from time
to time, (i) DKK 50,000,000 (indicative) RBS 4 year Risk Stabilised Germany
Strategy 100% Capital Protected Exchange Traded Notes, ISIN code: DK0030260518
and (ii) DKK 75,000,000 (indicative) RBS 5 year Non-Capital Protected Exchange
Traded Notes linked to China, ISIN code: DK0030260781. 

The offering period begins on (and including) 2 September 2010 to (and
including) 24 September 2010 (3 pm CET). 

The securities will be listed on the Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen on 8 October 2010.

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20080831 memory etn dk0030260781 v3.pdf 20100831 germany strategy etn dk0030260518 v2.pdf bp etn fixed mat 20 may 2010.pdf first supplement 25 aug 2010.pdf