On 17 September 2010 at 9:30 a.m. an extraordinary general meeting of Eitzen Bulk Shipping A/S (CVR-nr. 20 70 24 19) was held at the company's office, Amerika Plads 38, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø. At the extraordinary general meeting the following was adopted: Amendments to the company's articles of associations The general meeting adopted to change the company's name to U-SEA Bulk Shipping A/S. The general meeting adopted English as the corporate language of the company. Election of auditor The general meeting elected KPMG Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab as new auditor of the company instead of Ernst & Young P/S. Delegation of authority to the chairman of the meeting The general meeting authorised the chairman of the meeting in accordance with the proposal. Yours sincerely, Eitzen Bulk Shipping A/S Contact information Per Lange CEO Tel: +45 39 97 04 02 Bjarne Skov Faber CFO Tel: +45 39 97 04 01