Change in the number of shares in Kinnevik

Investment AB Kinnevik (publ) ("Kinnevik") today announced that Kinnevik's total
number of class C shares has increased from 290,000 to 425,000. The change
refers to a new issue of 135,000 class C shares in September to enable future
delivery of class B shares to participants in the Group's performance based
incentive programme, which was approved by the AGM of shareholders in May 2010.

As  of  30 September  2010, the  total  number  of shares in Kinnevik amounts to
277,583,190 of  which  48,665,324 are  class  A  shares  with  ten  votes  each,
228,492,866 are  class  B  shares  with  one  vote  each and 425,000 are class C
treasury  shares with one  vote each. The  total number of  votes in the company
amounts to 715,571,106 (715,146,106 excluding 425,000 class C treasury shares).

For further information, visit or contact:

Mia Brunell Livfors, President and Chief Executive Officer +46 (0)8 562 000 00

Torun Litzén, Director Investor Relations                  +46 (0)8 562 000 83

                                                           +46 (0)70 762 00 83

Investment AB Kinnevik's objective is to increase shareholder value, primarily
through net asset value growth. Kinnevik manages a portfolio of investments
focused around three comprehensive business areas; Major Unlisted Holdings which
includes the cartonboard and paper company Korsnäs including shares in Bergvik
Skog, Major Listed Holdings which includes Millicom International Cellular,
Tele2, Modern Times Group MTG, Metro International and Transcom WorldWide, and
New Ventures which is active in finding new investments in small and mid sized
companies which has a significant growth potential. Kinnevik plays an active
role on the Boards of its holdings.

The Kinnevik's class A and class B shares are listed on the NASDAQ OMX
Stockholm's list for large cap companies, within the financial and real estate
sector. The ticker codes are KINV A and KINV B.


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