Cision to Share Insights on Social Media Communication Best Practices, Analysis and Tools at Upcoming Events

Cision Experts Will Discuss SEO, Influencer Identification, Measuring Impact of Online Buzz, and Emerging PR Software Solutions

CHICAGO, Sept. 30, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Experts from Cision, the leading provider of software, services and tools for the media and public relations industry, will discuss best practices and future tools and technologies for successful social media communications at PR industry events during October 2010.

Presentations will discuss key topics including: how to best identify and engage influencers on the social web; how to effectively use search-engine optimization (SEO) in their communications; and how to measure and assess social media activity. In addition, Cision executives will provide a glimpse of coming PR software technologies and tools and discuss their impact on the practice of public relations during the PRSA International Conference in Washington, D.C., October 16-19.

"Social media continues to transform the practice of public relations – creating a dynamic and powerful set of influencers who shape public opinion and make or break corporate and brand reputation," noted Vanessa Bugasch, Cision's Senior Vice President, Global Marketing and Product Marketing. "At these events, Cision's experts in monitoring, measurement and analysis, and technology will share their insights about best practices, metrics and emerging tools that help PR people build and sustain productive relationships with these influencers."

October 5: Social Media Fundamentals

Andrea Weinfurt and Valerie Lopez of Cision's Media Research Department will discuss strategies, tools and metrics that enable companies to communicate effectively on the social web at the Chicago Automobile Trade Association on Tuesday, October 5, 2010, at the association's headquarters in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois. The meeting is part of an ongoing series of Cision social media seminars designed to help specific industries and trade associations cope with changes in the communication landscape.

October 6: Best Practices in Identifying and Engaging the Right Influencers

Heidi Sullivan, Cision's Vice President, Media Research, will participate in the panel discussion "Cutting Through the Clutter: How to Identify and Engage the Right Influencers" on Wednesday, October 6, 2010, at the PR News Online's Digital PR Next Practices Summit, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York.

Sullivan and panelists will discuss tools, metrics and tactics for identifying key influencers, how to build relationships with them, and how to leverage those relationships to advance word-of-mouth and viral PR. Learn more about, and register for, this conference.

October 7: SEO 101 for PR (A Cision Webinar)

Laurie Mahoney, Cision Product Marketing Manager, and Dave Armon, Vice President, Strategic Accounts, of Context Optional, will lead a 60-minute Cision webinar on Thursday, October 7, 2010, at 2 p.m. EDT (1 p.m. CDT) that explores the basics of SEO, and provides tactics and tools for incorporating it into press releases quickly and easily. The 60-minute session will cover topics including how to get better search-engine results through writing better headlines, the right anchor text and keywords, and incorporating hypertext, links and multimedia in press releases. Learn more about, and register for, this webinar.

October 8: Measuring the Impact of Social Media Communications

K.C. Brown, Cision Senior Vice President, Analysis Services, will discuss social media measurement and analysis at a panel session during the Institute for Public Relations' Eighth Annual Summit on Measurement on Friday, October 8, 2010, from 10:45 a.m. to 12 noon, at the Sheraton Harborside Hotel, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Learn more about, and register for, this conference.

October 16-19: Emerging Breakthroughs in PR Technology and Practice

Cision will co-sponsor and exhibit at "Powering Progress," the PRSA 2010 International Conference, from October 16-19 at the Washington Hilton, Washington. D.C. The company will demo the CisionPoint Connect Release, the latest enhancement to its award-winning PR software, discuss emerging technologies, metrics and PR practices, and announce a new free tool for the public relations community.

At the conference, Brett Safron, Cision Senior Vice President, Business Development, and Kevin McFall, Vice President, Business Development, will present "PR and the Web 3.0 Revolution: You Haven't Seen Anything Yet" on Monday, October 18, 2010, from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. 

Safron and McFall will examine how today's new technologies will rapidly evolve into a robust digital platform where everyone is a publisher, everyone is responsible for his or her own brand, and where communicating a clear, consistent story about your client or organization is more challenging – and exciting – than ever.

Learn more about, and register for, this conference.

About Cision

Cision ( empowers businesses to make better decisions and improve performance through its CisionPoint software solutions for corporate communication and PR professionals. Powered by local experts with global reach, Cision delivers relevant media list information, press release distribution services via, media monitoring,, and precise media and news analysis, Cision has offices in Europe, North America and Asia, and has partners in 125 countries. Cision AB is quoted on the Nordic Exchange with revenue of SEK 1.5 billion in 2009.


