Raisio plc Stock Exchange Release 4 October 2010 CHANGE IN THE OWNERSHIP OF RAISIO'S OWN SHARES Raisio Group has a three-year share-based incentive scheme. The shares earned from the scheme and assigned to the persons within the scheme are subject to i.a. return obligation in case the employment or service relationship of the person in question ends prior to the date set in the scheme. A total of 5,000 free shares (RAIVV) assigned from the earnings period of the share-based incentive scheme 2009 have been returned (other acquisition) to the company on 1 October 2010. The return value of the share is EUR 2.916, i.e. the average rate on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd and, correspondingly, the value of the entire lot is EUR 14,580.00. After the now announced return of the shares, the company holds a total of 201,295 restricted shares (RAIKV) and 3,955,600 free shares (RAIVV). RAISIO PLC Heidi Hirvonen Communications Manager Tel. +358 50 567 3060 Distribution NASDAQ OMX www.raisio.com