The Allstate Foundation and Channel One News Challenge Students to "X the TXT" for $10,000

Partnership to Elevate Awareness of the Dangers of Texting While Driving; Empowers Students to Help Save Lives

NEW YORK, Oct. 12, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Allstate Foundation and Channel One News, the leading television news network for teens, today announced a pledge competition for students to "X the TXT" and stay focused behind the wheel. Channel One News educators and students can register their school at from Oct. 12 - Dec. 31. The week-long online competition will launch Feb. 7, 2011 on the Channel One website (

"Students can get involved with X the TXT online and on-the-ground by asking their friends, family, and fellow students to take the pledge not to text and drive," said Susan Duchak from The Allstate Foundation.  "In partnership with Channel One News, the X the TXT student program gives teens the chance to talk about the dangers of distracted driving and tell their community to keep their thumbs off their phones and their eyes on the road."

As part of National Youth Traffic Safety Month in May 2011, The Allstate Foundation will reward the winning school with a $10,000 grant and, together with Channel One, will host a private concert featuring rising music star Ashlyne Huff (; and a taping of a Channel One newscast from the winning school. Ashlyne, whose music has been heard recently on hit MTV shows like The Hills and World Of Jenks, is currently putting the final touches on her new album due out in Spring 2011.

The first 200 schools to register to participate online will receive an X the TXT toolkit, including a "How-To Guide," a pledge banner to display in their school, family pledge cards, and thumb bands to show support for the pledge.  Downloadable materials are available for all schools at

"X the TXT is an important program that is making an impact through education and by featuring influential voices who reinforce the significant risks that come with dangerous behaviors while driving," said Kent Haehl, CEO, Channel One Network. "By helping The Allstate Foundation bring its message directly to students in our schools, Channel One can lend a hand in making a difference to a population at greater risk and by means that we hope will not only create a positive movement within the school environment, but also extend the message into the community."

Channel One News will promote the X the TXT program on its daily broadcast with frequent editorial segments educating teens about safe driving and encouraging school participation in taking the pledge.  Channel One News anchors will take the X the TXT pledge on air during the fall broadcast.  Additionally, Ashlyne Huff will air a specially-recorded message for the Channel One audience expressing her commitment to X the TXT and urging teens to take action in connection with this critical issue.

Channel One News will inform member schools and its educators about the program and provide educational materials to support the effort.

The school-focused X the TXT initiative marks the third year of Channel One News and The Allstate Foundation's working together to educate and inform young adults on critical issues related to safe and responsible driving.

About Channel One News

Peabody and Telly Award-winning Channel One News, an Alloy Media + Marketing company, is the leading television news network for teens, reaching nearly six million young people in middle schools and high schools nationwide - broadcast each day to close to 1 in 4 of all teenagers in the U.S. The dynamic, daily broadcast and supplementary educational resources inform, educate, and inspire teens, connecting them with important current events and the world around them. Channel One News has covered fast-breaking global events from regions such as Haiti, Chile, Mexico, Sierra Leone, North Korea, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Germany and Qatar. Through its partnership with CBS News Productions, Channel One News draws on the vast resources of CBS News, ensuring worldwide coverage wherever and whenever news breaks - and always from a teen perspective. Channel One News programming has been featured on leading networks and news programs, including CBS, CNN, NBC Nightly News and Today Show, ABC News and Nightline. Visit the Webby Award-winning website to learn more.

About The Allstate Foundation

Established in 1952, The Allstate Foundation is an independent, charitable organization made possible by subsidiaries of The Allstate Corporation. The Allstate Foundation strives to make our communities and our nation a better and safer place to live through partnerships with non-profit organizations promoting "safe and vital communities," "tolerance, inclusion, and diversity" and "economic empowerment." Teen safe driving and building financial independence for domestic violence survivors have been priority issues for the Foundation since 2005. For more information, visit">


