Quadriserv Launches First Real Time Stock Loan Market Data Platform

NEW YORK, Oct. 12, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Quadriserv, Inc. today announced that it has expanded its AQS Market Data products and services to include industry wide access. This latest offering will facilitate broad distribution of real time securities lending market data for equity, ETF, index, and ADR products traded on AQS, the world's largest centrally-cleared securities lending market.

"Expanded access to AQS Market Data Services' suite of products brings a new dimension of actionable, transparent market information to the securities lending industry," said Thomas Little, President, AQS Market Data Services. "This market innovation underscores our conviction that reliable, real-time, and publicly available data is an essential component in the growth of liquid, regulated electronic markets. Ensuring the integrity and accessibility of this new data is of paramount importance as we move together with our distribution partners and Members to bring the product to market.

"We are pleased that this data been received positively both by the traditional securities lending market as well as the equity and equity derivatives markets. This latter development further validates Quadriserv's long held belief that access to transparent and reliable data will, in turn, yield a more efficient securities lending marketplace with enhanced liquidity and pricing that grows the market."

Consistent with existing AQS market connectivity options, real-time AQS Market Data will be available through a wide variety of existing and new subscription channels, including analytics platforms, APIs and data feeds. 

AQS Market Data is available at three subscription levels, including;

  • Level I: Price/Rebate Rates
  • Level II: Full Depth of Book
  • Level III: Derived Data

For more information concerning an AQS Market Data subscription, please contact Thomas Little at +1 212 905 2671 or tlittle@quadriserv.com.

About Quadriserv, Inc.

Quadriserv is a leader in delivering transformational market structure changes to the securities lending industry. Quadriserv, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Automated Equity Finance Markets, Inc., has developed the AQS® market for securities lending.  AQS, through its relationship with The Options Clearing Corporation, operates a centralized market for securities lending transactions in the U.S., and plans to expand into the European market through its relationship with Eurex Clearing.  As a FINRA member broker-dealer and a SEC regulated alternative trading system, AQS aims to maximize liquidity, access, credit and transparency, while mitigating systemic risk, through a fully automated trading environment.  For more information about Quadriserv, please visit www.quadriserv.com or www.tradeaqs.com.


