Changes to the OMX Stockholm 30 index rules

The OMX Stockholm 30 (OMXS30) index rules have been revised. The revision is
based on feedback from market participants. 

Effective October 18, 2010 the following change will be applied: 

1.4.2 Inclusion Method, Valuation Method and Fixed Price Method
A new rule called “Inclusion Method” is introduced as a complement and handles
events when a new security is distributed by an index share, a so called
spin-off. The distributed security may be included and traded in the index for
one day enabling investors to rebalance their index portfolio at market price. 

The updated rules are attached to this notice and will also be made available
on October 18, 2010 at 

For further information concerning this notice please contact Michael Olsson or
Erik Hågemo, telephone + 46 8 405 6296, e-mail

Pièces jointes

omxs30 index rules v.1.2.pdf