Practical Advice for a Healthy Fall Cleanse

SANTA ROSA, Calif. , Nov. 2, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A gentle fall cleanse starts with cleansing the blood and tissues in order to prepare your body for a deeper, more intense seasonal detox. Dr. Isaac Eliaz has some essential information for the opportunity to begin this unpeeling process.

A gentle fall cleanse starts with cleansing the blood and tissues in order to prepare your body for a deeper, more intense seasonal detox. Dr. Isaac Eliaz has some essential information for the opportunity to begin this unpeeling process and transition into a more thorough phase of detoxification, using safe and effective therapies. This deeper phase of your cleanse can be as short as 3 days, or as long as 21 days, or more.

Dr. Eliaz offers suggestions and tips for maximizing your cleanse while minimizing possible side effects. By following specific dietary guidelines, incorporating the right supplements, and undergoing optional cleansing treatments, we can support the natural detox cycles and assist the body in the second phase of detoxification, the elimination phase. These therapies can facilitate a deeper cleansing and revitalizing of the blood, tissues and organs on the physical level, and can be integrated with the essential mind/body detox work that Dr. Eliaz emphasizes in his medical practice.

Food as Medicine
The most important aspect of any detox program is a healthy cleansing diet. The major goals of a cleansing diet are to eliminate foods that have strong pro-inflammatory potential, alkalize your system to promote oxygenation and detoxification of tissues and organs, provide nutritional support to your organs, revitalize cells and tissues, balance blood sugar, improve digestion, and remove toxins and heavy metals. Click here for in-depth cleansing diet recommendations.

Detox Therapies and Treatments

During a cleanse, it is also essential to create movement within your body and organ systems. Therapies that use different forms of heat and energy, such as infrared saunas, hot baths, electro-lymphatic stimulation – as well as exercises such as yoga and walking – are extremely helpful during a cleanse to increase circulation and elimination. Other therapies such as colonics, enemas, and drinking ample fluids help to flush out toxins and rehydrate the body. Acupuncture is another modality that can help to clear stagnant blockages and strengthen the organs, providing harmonizing support to our systems of elimination.

Nutritional Supplements to Support and Enhance your Cleanse
Dr. Eliaz also recommends a modified citrus pectin (MCP)/modified alginate supplement, followed by a phase II detox formula, which contains a number of chelating herbs and nutraceuticals to help remove toxins and heavy metals from deep within the tissues and organs. Clinical case studies show that the combination of these two unique formulas reduces overall heavy metal and environmental toxin levels within the body in a gentle yet highly effective way.

All of these tips and guidelines can be strategically tailored to fit each individual's unique needs during detoxification. For more information, visit


Amy Pellegrini

Communications Coordinator

Better Health Publishing


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