Lappland Goldminers AB's Nomination Committee for 2011 has been appointed

The  largest  owners  in  Lappland  Goldminers  AB  (publ)  have appointed their
representatives of the Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
2011, which will be held on 18th of May 2011.

Lappland  Goldminers AB's (publ) Nomination  Committee for the AGM 2011 consists
of the following members:

  * Lars Olof Nilsson, Chairman of the Board

  * Sven Rasmusson, representing the shareholder Ponderus Invest AB

  * Ragnhild Wiborg, representing the shareholder Consepio

  * Thomas Björklund, representing the shareholder Eric Sjölund

Lappland  Goldminers AB's guidelines for appointment of the Nomination Committee
were  established at the AGM on 19th of May 2010 and are based on the principles
of  the Swedish  Code of  Corporate Governance.  The Nomination  Committee shall
consist  of four members. Of  these, one shall be  the Chairman of the Board and
the  other three  shall be  appointed by  the three  largest shareholders in the
company  as per 30th of  September 2010. One of  the three owner representatives
will be appointed chairman of the Nomination Committee.

The  Nomination Committee is  expected to give  their proposal as regards, inter
alia, the number of Board members, the composition of the Board, Chairman of the
Board, Board members' and auditor's fees and the Chairman for the AGM.

Those  wishing to leave their  suggestions or points of  views to the Nomination
Committee may do so by letter to

Lappland Goldminers AB (publ)
Att: Valberedningen
Storgatan 36
921 31 Lycksele, Sweden

or by e-mail to

Lappland Goldminers AB (publ)

For further information, please contact:

Lars Olof Nilsson, Chairman of the Board
Tel. +46 708 55 20 13

Also visit:
About Mangold Fondkommission:

Lappland   Goldminers   AB  is  a  producing  mining  company  with  significant
exploration  activities. The Company  is listed on  the market place First North
Premier  under  the  name  GOLD,  with  Mangold  Fondkommission  AB as Certified

Lappland  Goldminers' strategy  is to  develop mineral  deposits into profitable
producing  mines. The  Company is  strategically positioned  with the  the fully
permitted  Fäboliden gold project and  the Ersmarksberget deposit and processing
plant  in northern Sweden. The Pahtavaara gold operation is located in the north
of  Finland  and  the  Haveri  gold  deposit  in  the south of Finland. Lappland
Goldminers  is a member  of SveMin, the  Swedish association for mines, minerals
and  metal producers, and follows SveMin's reporting rules for public mining and
exploration companies.


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Press release PDF.pdf