The actyvity result for the nine-month period of 2010 .

AB ,,Lietuvos elektrine“ (Company code110870933 ,Headquarters: Elektrines
St.21, Elektrenai, Republic of Lithuania) the financial Statements have been
prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards. 
The unaudited result of the Company‘s for  a nine-month  period of 2010 :  
• the loss before taxes LTL 2.13  million (EUR 0.62 million) (during the
previours year was LTL 55.33 million (EUR 16.02 million) the profit. 
• the sales income of the nine months of the year 2010 comprised LTL  591.64
million (EUR 171.35 million.)
(during the previous year was LTL 325.84 million (EUR 94.37 million)).
• net loss  LTL  6.02 million( EUR  1.74 million)( during the previous year
was LTL 44.96 million,(EUR 13.02  million ) the net  profit. 

Enclosures: Financial statements  for nine months of 2010,  confirmation of
responsible persons. 

Rolandas Jankauskas
tel.+370 528 33743

Pièces jointes

2010 iii ketven.pdf