Notice Regarding Completion of Spin-off Procedure of LITGRID Turtas AB from the Joint-stock Company LIETUVOS ENERGIJA

Vilnius, Lithuania, 2010-12-15 18:00 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Joint-stock company LIETUVOS ENERGIJA, a joint-stock company established and functioning under laws of the Republic of Lithuania, legal entity code 220551550, registered address Elektrinės g. 21, Elektrėnai (hereinafter – the Company), data of the company are collected and stored at the Register of Legal Entities, has issued a notice that pursuant to Company spin-off conditions, approved by resolution adopted at the extraordinary general shareholders meeting of the Company dated October 28, 2010, a Transfer – Acceptance Act was signed whereby LITGRID Turtas AB (legal entity code 302564383) took over a part of the Company assets, rights and duties, related to the part under separation, in the manner described in the Company spin-off conditions.

On December 15, 2010 the Company and LITGRID Turtas AB made an act amending the Transfer and Acceptance Act, signed on December 1, 2010 by which they confirmed the final spin-off balance sheets of the Company and LITGRID turtas AB as of November 30, 2010, 12 PM. Moreover, by this act LITGRID Turtas AB took over the remaining part of the Company assets, rights and duties, related to the part under separation and thus completed the spin-off procedure of the Company.

         Jūratė Kavaliauskaitė
         Head of Communications
         Tel. +370 619 62019

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