Cigirex Vies With Volt Electric Car as Newest Electronic Age Era Surprise

Cigirex Rumored to be on Cusp of Public Offering

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 27, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Chevy's Volt rode away with top honors at the Annual Detroit Auto Show and Cigirex, the premium electronic cigarette advanced light years ahead of the pack to win consumer plaudits as the Tobacco-Free Marvel of a new Electronic Age, says President & CEO Jason Cardiff  from his New York and London offices.

Conservative projections for at least a million Cigirex sales in the UK and the United States have peaked above their mark with an unusual flurry of website direct-to-consumer sales. Vendor Interest extending from Las Vegas hotels to major supermarket chains in the US will serve to heighten revenues in the final quarters of  2011 reports Cardiff.

"This is a new Electronic Age reflected from the Electric car market to Apple's iPad and related product technology embracing Cigirex as a techno-scientific leader for healthy smoking alternatives to the tobacco-and-tars menace still gripping millions of traditional smokers in China and Russia."

Cardiff credits the advance of the Electric Car market and Cigirex to designer styling along with a rapid improved technology.  Bigger no longer has to equate with better, he points out, but consumer expectations for performance and satisfaction are similar for today's electric marvels, whether it's a big ticket item like a car or a tiny ticket item like an Electronic Cigirex.

Cigirex, the avatar electronic cigarette with water-vapor smoke is designed with the tactile feel of a cigarette from mouthpiece tip to burn-proof glowing ember. Cigirex empowers a new generation to QUIT as Australia prefers to call its viable anti-tobacco campaign. Quitting tobacco addiction is made so much easier and predictably permanent as reported by professional interventionist Ron Espudo who serves on A&E network TV'S award-winning show "Intervention". Espudo credits Cigirex personally for helping to ween him from the hazards of smokeless tobacco, the troubling addiction from which he is now free thanks to Cigirex.

Styling advances Electric cars as well as Electronic Cigirex in the competitive marketplace. For the highly anticipated royal wedding in London between Prince Charles and Kate Middleton, the heraldic shield logo of Cigirex will be emblazoned on commemorative boxes. In keeping with the royal traditional and contemporary styling of our new Electronic Age.

Celebrity acclaim for Electronic Age Cigirex is enhanced by anti-tobacco crusaders like big-screen promoters Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie in "The Tourist".  Yao Ming took a giant step forward for China and basketball against big tobacco, and actor Corey Feldman is an outspoken cheerleader for the younger generation singing the praises of Cigirex.

In league with the American Heart Association and the American Lung Association, the battle against disease-generating tars-and-tobacco, Cigirex consumers are cause-oriented thanks to the advances of the new Electronic Age.  Out of concern for the withdrawal symptoms that inhibit addicted smokers from freeing themselves from tobacco, Cigirex contains a trace of nicotine to aid against separation-anxiety from their tobacco-fix.

The Cigirex marketplace is as big as the world today, embraced by the new Electronic Age and visionaries like Jason Cardiff , a compassionate corporate executive of  the future.

For an Interview with Jason Cardiff contact Bruce Merrin Public Relations 702.367.0331

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