SBAB's CEO Eva Cederbalk comments on the results: "SBAB's operations performed well with a continued positive trend in net interest income combined with low costs and low loan losses." Operating profit The high growth in lending during the year contributed to a 16% increase in SBAB's net interest income compared with the preceding year, while expenses rose 5%. The loan loss rate remained very low at 0.02% (0.06). SBAB's operating profit declined compared with the preceding year to SEK 785 million (1,289) due to the net result of financial instruments measured at fair value declining to a negative SEK 289 million (positive: 495). Summary of Jan-Dec 2010 compared with Jan-Dec 2009 * Net interest income rose 16% to SEK 1,762 million (1,519), as a result of favourable portfolio performance. * Operating profit amounted to SEK 785 million (1,289). * The net result of financial instruments developed negatively. Assets recognized at fair value in the liquidity portfolio and the total impact of hedge accounting had a more negative impact on profit in 2010 than in the preceding year. * Loan losses remained low and amounted to SEK 40 million (loss: 107). The loan loss rate was 0.02% (0.06). * Deposits increased to SEK 6.1 billion (4.7). * Lending totalled SEK 249.1 billion (226.0). * SBAB's market share in retail lending was 8.1% (8.0). * Without taking the transitional regulations into account, the capital adequacy ratio was 22.4% (19.7) and the Tier 1 capital ratio 19.1% (15.9). If the transitional regulations are taken into account, the capital adequacy ratio was 10.2% (9.2) and the Tier 1 capital ratio was 8.7% (7.4). All comparable figures in parentheses pertaining to income statement items and new lending refer to the year-earlier period. For comparable figures pertaining to balance sheet items, capital adequacy and market share, the date of comparison is the preceding year-end. SBAB's year-end report 2010 is downloadable from: For further information: Eva Cederbalk, CEO, SBAB, +46-8-614 43 01, +46-70-523 23 02, Lena Hedlund, Chief Communication Officer, SBAB, +46-8-614 38 49, +46-70-858 07 25, SBAB offers residential mortgages and savings via the Internet and telephone, and also grants loans to the corporate sector. SBAB's mission is to operate a profitable business that contributes to sharpening competition in the Swedish residential mortgage market. For further information, visit us at [HUG#1485299]
Year-end report 2010; SBAB's net interest income rose 16% to SEK 1,762 million (1,519)
| Source: SBAB