Strong results, raised dividends

SAMPO PLC     FINANCIAL STATEMENT RELEASE      9 February 2011 at 9.30 am

Strong results, raised dividends

Sampo Group's profit before taxes for 2010 grew strongly and amounted to EUR
1,320 million (825). Total comprehensive income for the period, taking changes
in the market value of assets into account, was EUR 1,807 million (3,423).

   · Earnings per share rose to EUR 1.97 (1.14). Mark-to-market earnings per
share were EUR 3.22 (5.88) and return on equity for the Group was 21.8 per cent
for 2010 (55.7).

   · The Board proposes to the Annual General Meeting to be held on 14 April
2011 a dividend of EUR 1.15 per share (1.00) and an authorization to repurchase
a maximum of 50 million Sampo A shares.

   · Net asset value per share increased by more than EUR 3 during 2010 and on
31 December 2010 amounted to EUR 17.79 (14.63). Fair value reserve on the Group
level increased to EUR 736 million (296).

   · If P&C sustained a high insurance technical profitability in 2010 despite
the difficult winter. Combined ratio was 92.8 per cent for the full year 2010
(92.1). Profit before taxes rose to EUR 707 million (644). Return on equity was
39.8 per cent (53.2) and fair value reserve increased to EUR 315 million (105).

   · Sampo's share of Nordea's net profit amounted to EUR 523 million. In
segment reporting the share of Nordea's profit is included in the segment

   · Profit before taxes for Mandatum Life increased to EUR 142 million (121).
Fair value reserve increased to EUR 436 million as at 31 December 2010 (210).
Return on equity at market value was 36.2 per cent (97.6). Premiums grew almost
40 per cent and exceeded EUR 1 billion for the first time ever.

KEY FIGURES                               Change  Q4/   Q4/ Change

EURm                           2010  2009      % 2010  2009      %

Profit before taxes           1,320   825     60  361   199     81

  P&C insurance                 707   644     10  188   168     12

  Associate (Nordea)            523     -      -  152     -      -

  Life insurance                142   121     17   42    36     15

  Holding (excl. Nordea)        -48    36      -  -21    -5    332

Profit for the period         1,104   641     72  302   148    104

                                          Change            Change

Earnings per share, EUR        1.97  1.14   0.83 0.54  0.26   0.28

EPS (incl. change in FVR) EUR  3.22  5.88  -2.66 0.83 -0.17   1.00

NAV per share, EUR            17.79 14.63   3.16    -     -      -

Average number of staff (FTE) 6,914 7,311   -397    -     -      -

Group solvency ratio, %       167.1 158.3    8.8    -     -      -

RoE, %                         21.8  55.7  -33.9    -     -      -

The figures in this report are unaudited.

Fourth quarter 2010 in brief

Sampo Group's fourth quarter 2010 profit before taxes rose to EUR 361 million
(199). Earnings per share doubled and were EUR 0.54 (0.26). Mark-to-market
earnings per share were EUR 0.83 (-0.17).

Net asset value per share increased in the fourth quarter of 2010 by EUR 1.25
and amounted EUR 17.79 at the end of 2010.

P&C insurance operation had a good fourth quarter despite somewhat harsher
winter conditions in the Nordic countries. Combined ratio improved to 92.3 per
cent (92.7). Profit before taxes rose to EUR 188 million (168).

Sampo's share of Nordea's fourth quarter 2010 net profit was EUR 152 million.

Profit before taxes for the life insurance operations rose to EUR 42 million
(36). Premiums written remained almost flat at EUR 284 million (289).

Business areas in 2010

P&C insurance

If P&C is the leading property and casualty insurance company in the Nordic
region, with insurance operations that also encompass the Baltic countries and
Russia. The P&C insurance group's parent company, If P&C Insurance Holding Ltd,
is domiciled in Sweden, and the If subsidiaries provide insurance solutions and
services in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Baltic countries and Russia.
If's operations are divided into four business areas: Private, Commercial,
Industrial and Baltic & Russia.

Results                                       Change  Q4/  Q4/ Change

EURm                              2010   2009      % 2010 2009      %

Premiums, net                    3,985  3,677      8  843  787      7

Net income from investments        487    394     24  146  110     33

Other operating income              25     23      9    7    6     24

Claims incurred                 -2,689 -2,477      9 -672 -630      7

Change in insurance liabilities    -91    -33    176  148  144      3

Staff costs                       -479   -470      2 -120 -123     -2

Other expenses                    -501   -439     14 -156 -118     32

Finance costs                      -29    -30     -4   -8   -8      2

Profit (loss) before taxes         707    644     10  188  168     12

Key figures                                   Change           Change

Combined ratio, %                 92.8   92.1    0.7 92.3 92.7   -0.4

Risk ratio, %                     69.1   68.0    1.1 67.7 67.6    0.1

Cost ratio, %                     23.7   24.1   -0.4 24.6 25.0   -0.4

Expense ratio, %                  17.2   17.6   -0.4 17.8 18.5   -0.7

Return on equity, %               39.8   53.2  -13.4    -    -      -

Average number of staff (FTE)    6,392  6,807   -415    -    -      -

Year 2010 was characterized by exceptional weather conditions in most of the
countries where If operates: extreme winter, scorching summer riddled with
storms and heavy downpours, and in the fourth quarter weeks of premature but
abundant snowfall.

Another exceptional development in 2010 reflected in consolidated P&C insurance
result is the significant strengthening of Swedish krona.

Despite the challenging weather conditions, profit before taxes for P&C
insurance for the year 2010 rose 10 per cent to EUR 707 million (644) and
combined ratio was again on a stable level in 2010 at 92.8 per cent (92.1) being
clearly better than the long-term target of below 95 per cent.

Technical result was EUR 449 million (488), of which the Private business area
accounted for 53 per cent, Commercial 28 per cent, Industrial 15 per cent and
Baltic and Russia 3 per cent.

Insurance margin (technical result in relation to net premiums earned) decreased
from the previous year to 11.5 per cent (13.4). Return on equity (RoE) remained
good and was 39.8 per cent (53.2) while the fair value reserve increased to EUR
315 million (105).

In business area Private risk ratio increased to 68.9 per cent (68.0) affected
by the exceptional weather conditions. Helped by the improved cost ratio,
combined ratio increased slightly to 93.0 (92.5). Also in Commercial cost ratio
improved compared to last year but the weakened risk ratio of 69.8 per cent
(68.3) drove the combined ratio slightly up to 93.5 per cent (92.6).

In business area Industrial combined ratio improved to 90.6 per cent (90.7)
helped by the favorable development in nominal costs. Risk ratio was at previous
year's level at 71.9 percent (71.6). In Baltic and Russia both risk ratio and
combined ratio increased compared to previous year, and were 56.4 per cent
(55.7) and 93.4 per cent (91.7), respectively.

Risk ratio weakened due to extraordinary weather conditions during year 2010 in
all countries excluding Sweden, where despite the severe winter both risk ratio
and combined ratio improved to 70.2 per cent (72.4) and 93.3 per cent (95.2),
respectively. In Norway risk ratio increased to 69.6 per cent (68.8) but due to
improved cost ratio in all business areas, combined ratio was at previous year's
level at 92.1 per cent (92.0). Also in Finland cost ratio improved in all
business areas, but the increase in risk ratio to 67.0 per cent (64.0) lead to a
higher combined ratio of 90.4 per cent (88.5). In Denmark risk ratio increased
to 72.8 per cent (66.1) and combined ratio to 101.4 per cent (93.7).

Gross written premiums increased 8 per cent to EUR 4,189 million (3,888).
Adjusted for currency, premiums increased 1.3 per cent.

Cost ratio improved by 0.4 percentage points to 23.7 per cent compared to a year
earlier as a result of continuous efforts put on streamlining the operations.
The amount of total costs increased to EUR 1,009 million (939), mainly due to
the strengthening of the Swedish krona.

Other operating expenses increased EUR 25 million due to dissolving the
collective guarantee provision in the Finnish workers' compensation insurance.

Claims incurred increased to EUR 2,689 million (2,477) and risk ratio
deteriorated to 69.1 per cent (68.0), affected by the weather. EUR 113 million
(87) was released from technical reserves, which related to prior year claims.
Reserve ratio was 173 per cent (172) of net premiums written and 236 per cent
(240) of claims paid.

Investment market remained positive during the year and net income from
investments increased to EUR 487 million (394). As at 31 December 2010, total
investment assets amounted to EUR 11.7 billion (10.7) of which 85 per cent (89)
was invested in fixed income instruments and 14 per cent (11) in equities.
Investment return for 2010 mark-to-market was 7.4 per cent (12.4). Duration for
interest bearing assets was 1.7 years (2.5).

As at 31 December 2010 If P&C had a solvency ratio (solvency capital in relation
to net premiums written) of 79 per cent (77). Despite the EUR 540 million paid
to Sampo plc in dividends during 2010, solvency capital amounted to EUR 3,373
million (2,943) in comparison to the regulatory minimum capital requirement of
EUR 735 million.

On 1 January 2011 a new five-year cooperation agreement was announced between If
P&C and Volvo Cars regarding Volvia brand insurance. If has more than 443,000
Volvia-insurances in its portfolio, of which 400,000 in Sweden, which means that
40 percent of all Volvo cars in Sweden are insured by Volvia. The deal with
Volvo is worth approximately 2 billion Swedish krona in premiums earned for If

Life insurance

Mandatum Life Group consists of Mandatum Life, a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Sampo plc, operating in Finland, and its subsidiary Mandatum Life Insurance
Baltic SE, which has the form of a European company and is headquartered in
Estonia. It operates in the other Baltic countries through branches.

Results                                                  Change  Q4/  Q4/ Change

EURm                                          2010  2009      % 2010 2009      %

Premiums written                             1,111   803     38  284  289   -2

Net income from investments                    645   629      3  205  133   53

Other operating income                           0     0    -94    0    0 -100

Claims incurred                               -844  -628     34 -214 -162   32

Change in liabilities for  inv. and ins.
contracts                                     -678  -600     13 -210 -205    2

Staff costs                                    -35   -29     23  -10   -9   19

Other operating expenses                       -49   -46      7  -12   -9   27

Finance costs                                   -8    -8      0   -2   -2    4

Profit before taxes                            142   121     17   42   36   15

Key figures                                              Change

Expense ratio, %                             112.1 111.0    1.1    -    -    -

Return on equity, %                           36.2  97.6  -61.4    -    -    -

Average number of staff (FTE)                  470   450     20    -    -    -

Sampo Group's life insurance operations continued their fast growth in 2010 with
premium income growing almost 40 per cent. Profitability was also good and
profit before taxes grew 17 per cent to EUR 142 million (121).

Net investment income, excluding income on unit-linked contracts, amounted to
EUR 312 million (270). Net income from unit-linked investments was EUR 333
million (359). During 2010 fair value reserve increased EUR 75 million amounting
to EUR 436 million. Return on equity (RoE) in life insurance was 36.2 per cent

Mandatum Life Group's investment assets, excluding the assets of EUR 3.1 billion
(2.4) covering unit-linked liabilities, amounted to EUR 6.0 billion (5.4) at
market values as at 31 December 2010. Fixed income represented 61 per cent (68),
equity 28 per cent (23), private equity 4 per cent (4), real estate 3 per cent
(3) and other assets 3 per cent (2) of the total assets. Return on investments
in 2010 was 11.1 per cent (16.8). At the end of December 2010 duration of fixed
income assets was 2.7 years (2.6).

Mandatum Life Group's solvency position is strong. Solvency margin grew to EUR
1,339 million (930) as at 31 December 2010. Mandatum Life's solvency ratio was
25.7 (18.6). Total technical reserves were EUR 7.5 billion (6.8). Unit-linked
reserves continued their strong growth and accounted for 3.1 billion (2.4). The
share of unit-linked reserves of total technical reserves increased to 41 per
cent (35).

Majority of Mandatum Life's traditional policies carry a guaranteed interest of
3.5 per cent. Individual policies sold in Finland before 1999 carry a guaranteed
interest of 4.5 per cent. The discount rate for these policies has been lowered
to 3.5 per cent and subsequently technical reserves have been supplemented with
EUR 86 million (95). In addition, EUR 61 million has been reserved to lower the
interest rate of all with-profit liabilities to 2.5 per cent in 2011 and to 3.0
per cent in 2012. This supplement decreases the minimum requirement for
investment yield to 2.5 per cent and 3.0 per cent for 2011 and 2012,
respectively. All in all, Mandatum Life has increased its technical reserves
with EUR 147 million due to low level of interest rates.

Life operation's expense ratio remained on previous year's level and was 112.1
per cent (111.0). This ratio does not take into account all fees intended to
cover the operating expenses. Assuming all fees were to be taken into account,
Mandatum Life Group's expense ratio would have been 90.1 per cent (91.8).
Mandatum Life does not defer acquisition costs.

Mandatum Life Group's premium income on own account exceeded for the first time
one billion euro and amounted to EUR 1,111 million (803). Premiums in the main
focus area of unit-linked insurance increased to EUR 843 million (551) and the
share of unit-linked premiums was 76 per cent (68) of total premiums. The good
sales performance was due to all sales channels working well. Particularly the
successful cooperation between the wealth management unit and the proprietary
corporate sales force produced excellent results.

A new name was adopted for the Baltic subsidiary in 2010. The company is now
called Mandatum Life Insurance Baltic SE. Premium income from the Baltic
countries grew by 42 per cent and amounted to EUR 60 million (42).

Mandatum Life's market share in its focus area, unit-linked business, rose to
28.2 per cent (27.8). The company's overall market share in Finland was 22.0 per
cent (24.8) and market share in the Baltic countries was 19 per cent (16).

Associated company Nordea Bank Ab

On 31 December 2010 Sampo plc held 830,440,497 Nordea shares corresponding to a
holding of 20.5 per cent. The average price paid per share amounted to EUR 6.39
and the book value in the Group accounts was EUR 6.85 per share. The closing
price as at 31 December 2010 was EUR 8.16.

As Sampo's holding exceeds 20 per cent Nordea, is accounted as an associated
company in Sampo Group's accounts since 31 December 2009. Sampo's share of
Nordea's net profit is shown on the face of Sampo Group's profit and loss
account on the line Share of associate's profit/loss.

The following text is based on Nordea's full-year 2010 result release published
on 2 February 2011.

2010 showed record-high total income, up 3 per cent compared to last year.
Operating profit increased 18 per cent, due to higher income and lower net loan
losses. Risk-adjusted profit decreased by 6 per cent compared to the same period
last year.

Net interest income decreased 2 per cent compared to last year as a result of
lower deposit income and higher funding costs. The combined negative effect is
more than EUR 400 million. This income drop was successfully compensated through
strong growth in both lending and deposits as well as higher lending margins.
Lending increased 11 per cent and deposit volumes 15 per cent. Corporate lending
margins were higher, while deposit margins were largely unchanged compared to
last year.

Net fee and commission income has recovered strongly and increased 27 per cent.
Asset management commission income is up 42 per cent driven by assets under
management, which are up 21 per cent in the last 12 months and a more attractive
product mix.

Net result from items at fair value decreased by 6 per cent compared to very
high levels last year. The customer driven capital markets operations continued
to be strong with increasing volumes. The income drop in Group Treasury and
Capital Markets unallocated income was approximately EUR 450 million and almost
compensated by higher income in the customer areas. Premium income in Life
&Pensions was at an all-time-high. Income under equity method was EUR 66 million
and other income was EUR 116 million.

Total expenses increased 7 per cent compared to last year. Staff costs increased
2 per cent. In local currencies, total expenses increased 2 per cent and staff
costs decreased 2 per cent. Excluding the adjustment of pension plans in Norway,
total expenses increased 3 per cent and staff costs were down 1 per cent in
local currencies.

Net loan losses decreased 41 per cent to EUR 879 million, compared to last year,
corresponding to a loan loss ratio of 31 basis points (56 basis points). Net
profit increased 15 per cent to EUR 2,663 million, due to lower net loan losses.

Risk-adjusted profit decreased 6 per cent compared to last year to EUR 2,622
million, mainly due to the exceptionally strong results in Treasury and Markets
in 2009.

Activities related to the Group initiatives launched in early 2010 are on track
in all areas. In 2010, the initiatives have generated more than EUR 300 million
in additional income, i.e. above the target for the year. The efficiency gains
amounted to approximately EUR 70 million, in line with earlier expectations.
During the fourth quarter, total investments amounted to EUR 77 million, of
which EUR 22 million were accounted for as expenses in the income statement. In
the full year 2010, total investments amounted to approximately EUR 200 million,
of which EUR 74 million were accounted for as expenses in the income statement.
The investments are expected to be somewhat higher in 2011.

For more information on Nordea Bank Ab, see


Sampo plc controls its subsidiaries engaged in P&C and life insurance. In
addition Sampo plc held on 31 December 2010 approximately 20.5 per cent of the
share capital of Nordea, the largest bank in the Nordic countries. Nordea is an
associated company to Sampo plc.

Results                                 Change  Q4/  Q4/ Change

EURm                          2010 2009      % 2010 2009      %

Net investment income           60  109    -45    3   17    -84

Other operating income          16   13     29    5    4     28

Staff costs                    -13  -11     18   -3   -3     -4

Other operating expenses       -11  -17    -34   -3   -4    -13

Finance costs                 -100  -58     73  -22  -19     18

Share of associates' profit    523    -      -  152    -      -

Profit before taxes            474   36  1,217  132   -5      -


Average number of staff (FTE)   52   54     -2    -    -      -

The segment's profit before taxes amounted to EUR 474 million (36), of which EUR
523 million relates to Sampo's share of Nordea's 2010 profit. Segment's profit
without Nordea was EUR -48 million.

Sampo plc's holding in Nordea Bank was booked in the consolidated balance sheet
at EUR 5.7 billion. The market value of the holding was EUR 6.8 billion at 31
December 2010. In addition the assets on Sampo plc's balance sheet included
holdings in subsidiaries for EUR 2.4 billion (2.4).

In 2010, Sampo plc received a total of EUR 540 million (SEK 5,000 million) in
dividends from If P&C Insurance Holding AB: in April a dividend of EUR 103
million (SEK 1,000 million) and in December a dividend of EUR 437 million (SEK
4,000 million) was paid. In addition the associated company Nordea Bank AB paid
on 8 April 2010 Sampo plc a dividend amounting to EUR 204 million. Mandatum Life
paid no dividends to Sampo plc during 2010.

Sampo plc's debt financing at the end of 2010 was EUR 1,731 million and interest
bearing assets including bank accounts were of EUR 715 million. During the year
the net debt decreased marginally by EUR 32 million to EUR 1,016 million
(1,048). Gross debt to Sampo plc's equity was 26 per cent (24).

As at 31 December 2010 financial liabilities in Sampo plc's balance sheet
consisted of issued senior bonds and notes of EUR 1,026 million, EUR 576 million
of outstanding CPs issued and a TYEL-pension loan of EUR 130 million. The
average interest on Sampo plc's debt as of 31.12.2010 was 3.36 per cent.

Developments in 2010


The number of full-time equivalent staff decreased to 6,844 employees (7,087) as
at 31 December 2010. In P&C insurance, the number of staff mainly decreased in
the Baltic and Russian operations and in Norway. In life insurance, the number
of staff increased slightly both in Finland and the Baltics.

During 2010, approximately 92 per cent of the staff worked in P&C insurance, 7
per cent in life insurance and 1 per cent in the parent company Sampo plc.
Geographically, 31 per cent worked in Finland, 27 per cent in Sweden, 22 per
cent in Norway and 20 per cent in the Baltic countries, Russia, Denmark and
other countries. The average number of employees during 2010 was 6,914, which
compares to an average of 7,311 during 2009.

Management incentive schemes

On 8 June 2010 Sampo's Board approved a Compensation Code which applies to all
Group companies. The Boards of these companies have adopted company-level
policies based on the Code. The Code lays down the principles for e.g.
management incentives and can be viewed at .

The variable compensation in Sampo Group is divided into short term and long
term compensation. The short term compensation is based on annual performance
whilst the long term compensation is carried out through the management
incentive schemes. For the short term variable compensation systems decided
after 1 January 2011, at least 50.1 per cent of significant pay-outs will be
deferred for at least three years. In Sweden different national rules are
applied and at least 60 per cent of pay-out for persons in risk-taking positions
will be deferred.

The management incentive schemes of Sampo Group were in 2010 of two types; long-
term management incentive schemes based on share appreciation rights and one
share-based incentive scheme.

The outcome of the long-term management incentive schemes is determined by
Sampo's share-price development over a period of approximately three years
starting from the issue of the respective program. The programs are subject to
thresholds on share price development and company profitability, as well as
ceilings for maximum bonuses. Furthermore, the programs are subject to rules
requiring part of the paid bonus to be used to acquire Sampo shares, which must
in turn be held for a specified period of time.

In 2006, Sampo's Annual General Meeting decided on a share-based incentive
scheme for the Executive Management belonging to the Group Executive Committee.
Under the program, the participants are granted the right to receive up to a
pre-determined number of Sampo shares, if Sampo's share price has outperformed a
predefined threshold value and insurance margin targets have been exceeded. The
reward will be paid in Sampo shares, in cash or a combination thereof.
Furthermore, the programs are subject to lock-up on Sampo shares received. The
scheme ended during 2010.

In 2010 EUR 10 million (0) was paid out based on the long-term management
incentive schemes and EUR 4 million (2) was paid out based on the share-based
incentive scheme.

The terms of all incentive schemes are available on Sampo's website at

Shares and share capital

As at 31 December 2010, Sampo plc had 561,282,390 shares, which were divided
into 560,082,390 A shares and 1,200,000 B shares. At the end of the financial
year, Sampo plc didn't hold any of its own A shares. Neither did the other Group
companies hold any shares in the parent company.

On 13 October 2010, Sampo plc received a disclosure according to which Capital
Research and Management Company's holding in Sampo plc had on 11 October 2010
fallen below one twentieth (1/20) of Sampo plc's entire stock and voting rights.
According to the notification Capital Research held 4.95 per cent of Sampo's
total share capital and 4.91 per cent of related votes.


All the main ratings for Sampo Group companies remained unchanged in 2010.

|Rated company                         |   Moody's    |Standard and Poor's|
|                                      |Rating|Outlook| Rating  | Outlook |
|Sampo plc                             | Baa2 |Stable |Not rated|    -    |
|If P&C Insurance Ltd (Sweden)         |  A2  |Stable |    A    | Stable  |
|If P&C Insurance Company Ltd (Finland)|  A2  |Stable |    A    | Stable  |

Group solvency

With Nordea Bank AB (publ) as its associated company as of 31 December 2009
Sampo Group became a financial and insurance conglomerate according to the Act
on the Supervision of Financial and Insurance Conglomerates (2004/699).

Group solvency has in 2010 been calculated according to Chapter 3 of the Act on
the Supervision of Financial and Insurance Conglomerates (2004/699). The Act is
based on Directive 2002/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on
the supplementary supervision of credit institutions, insurance undertakings and

SAMPO GROUP SOLVENCY                      31 December 2010 31 December 2009


Group capital                                        8,886            7,613

Sectoral items                                       1,711            1,545

Intangibles and other deductibles                   -2,388           -2,314

Dividends for the current period                      -646             -561

Group's own funds, total                             7,564            6,283

Minimum requirements for own funds, total            4,526            3,968

Group solvency                                       3,038            2,315

Group solvency ratio

(Own funds % of minimum requirements)                167.1            158.3

The Group's solvency ratio (own funds in relation to minimum requirements for
own funds) was 167.1 per cent (158.3) as at 31 December 2010. The part of
Nordea's capital requirement corresponding to Sampo's holding in Nordea is taken
into account in the Group's capital requirement.

In Sampo Group solvency is assessed internally by comparing the capital required
to the capital available. Capital requirement assessment is based on an economic
capital framework, in which Group companies quantify the amount of capital
required for measurable risks over a one year time horizon at 99.5 per cent's
confidence level. In addition to economic capital companies are assessing their
capital need related to non-measurable risks like risks in business environment.

Capital available or Adjusted Solvency Capital include regulatory capital and in
addition other loss absorbing items like the effect of discounting technical
reserves and other reserves excluded from regulatory capital.

The economic capital tied up in Group's operations on 31 December 2010 was EUR
4,281 million (3,783) and adjusted solvency capital was EUR 8,521 million

Events after the end of the reporting year

Sampo plc increased its stake in Nordea Bank AB (publ) with 0.7 percentage
points by buying 30 million shares in an auction organized by the Swedish state
on 4 February 2011. SEK 2,235 million was paid for the shares. After the
purchase, Sampo holds 860,440,497 Nordea shares corresponding to 21.3 per cent
of all shares in Nordea.

Outlook for 2011

Growth in the global economy is expected to pick up momentum and deleveraging to
continue as markets prove their resilience and adaptiveness. The European debt
crisis, if properly managed, is expected to abate gradually. All in all the
economic landscape in 2011 is expected to be fairly benign.

Sampo Group is expected to report a good result for 2011. P&C and life insurance
operations are expected to report good and stable results and the contribution
to profit of associated company Nordea Bank is anticipated to remain strong. The
continuing rise of short term interest rates will also further strengthen Sampo
Group's profits.

If P&C is expected to reach its long-term combined ratio target of below 95 per
cent in 2011. Profit is expected to remain very good.

Nordea's contribution to the Group's profit is expected to be significant.

Mandatum Life's profitability is expected to remain good although it is highly
dependent on capital market developments.

Dividend proposal

On 11 February 2010 the Board adopted a new dividend policy. According to the
policy total annual dividends paid will be higher than 50 per cent of Group's
net profit for the year (excluding extraordinary items). In addition share buy-
backs can be used to complement the cash dividend.

The parent company's distributable capital and reserves totaled EUR
6,597,907,788.86, of which profit for the financial year was EUR 710,467,413.51.

The Board proposes to the Annual General Meeting a dividend of EUR 1.15 per
share to company's 561,282,390 shares. The dividends to be paid are EUR
645,474,748.50 in total. Rest of funds are left in the equity capital.

The dividend will be paid to shareholders registered in the Register of
Shareholders held by Euroclear Finland Ltd as at the record date of 4 April
2011. The Board proposes that the dividend be paid on 28 April 2011.

No significant changes have taken place in the company's financial position
since the end of the financial year. The company's liquidity position is good
and in the view of the Board, the proposed distribution does not jeopardize the
company's ability to fulfill its obligations.

Board of Directors

For more information, please contact:

Peter Johansson, Group CFO, tel. +358 10 516 0010

Jarmo Salonen, Head of Investor Relations and Group Communications, tel.
+358 10 516 0030

Essi Nikitin, IR manager, tel. +358 10 516 0066

Maria Silander, Press Officer, tel. +358 10 516 0031

Sampo will arrange a Finnish-language press conference (Savoy, Eteläesplanadi
14, Helsinki), at 12:30 pm Finnish time. An English-language telephone
conference for investors and analysts will be arranged at 4 pm Finnish time (2
pm UK time). Please call +44 207 162 0025 (Europe) or +1 334 323 6201 (North
America). Please be ready to state the conference ID '886644' and the conference
title 'Sampo plc 2010/Q4 Release'.

The telephone conference can also be followed from a direct transmission on the
Internet at  A recorded version will later be available at
the same address.

In addition, Group CEO and President Kari Stadigh's video interview and
Supplementary Financial Information are available at

Sampo will publish an on-line Annual Report 2010 in week 10. At the same time
Corporate Governance Statement and Salary and Remuneration Report will be

The principal media
Financial Supervisory Authority


FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                            1-12/2010 1-12/2009


Profit before taxes                        EURm     1,320       825

Return on equity (at fair value)              %      21.8      55.7

Return on assets (at fair value)              %      10.0      18.6

Equity/assets ratio                           %      29.8      28.6

Group solvency ¹)                          EURm     3,038     2,315

Group solvency ratio                          %     167.1     158.3

Average number of staff                             6,914     7,311


Premiums written before reinsurers' share  EURm     4,189     3,888

Premiums earned                            EURm     3,894     3,643

Profit before taxes                        EURm       707     644.0

Return on equity (at current value)           %      39.8      53.2

Risk ratio ²)                                 %      69.1      68.0

Cost ratio ²)                                 %      23.7      24.1

Loss ratio ²)                                 %      77.1      76.2

Loss ratio excl. unwinding of discount ³)     %      75.6      74.6

Expense ratio ²)                              %      17.2      17.6

Combined ratio                                %      94.3      93.8

Combined ratio excl. unwinding of discount    %      92.8      92.1

Average number of staff                             6,392     6,807


Premiums written before reinsurers' share  EURm     1,117       809

Profit before taxes                        EURm       142       121

Return on equity (at current value)           %      36.2      97.6

Expense ratio                                 %     112.1     111.0

Average number of staff                               470       450


Profit before taxes                        EURm       474        36

Average number of staff                                52        54


Earnings per share                          EUR      1.97      1.14

Earnings per share, incl. other

comprehensive income                        EUR      3.22      5.88

Capital and reserves per share              EUR     15.83     13.56

Net asset value per share                   EUR     17.79     14.63

Adjusted share price, high                  EUR     20.71        18

Adjusted share price, low                   EUR     16.13      8.63

Market capitalisation                      EURm    11,254     9,553

¹)  The Group solvency is calculated according to the consolidation method
defined in Chapter 3 of the Act on the Supervision of Financial and Insurance
Conglomerates (2004/699).

²) The key figures for P&C Insurance are based on activity based costs and
cannot, therefore, be calculated directly from the consolidated income
statement. The result analysis of P&C insurance is presented in note 13.

In calculating the per share key figures, the number of shares used at the
balance sheet date and as the average number of shares was 561,282,390.

The valuation differences on investment property have been taken into account in
calculating the return on assets, return on equity, equity/assets ratio and net
asset value per share. The tax component includes the tax corresponding to the
result for the period, and the deferred tax liability related to valuation
differences on investment property.

The total comprehensive income has been used in the calculation of the return on
assets and return on equity.

The key figures for the insurance business have been calculated in accordance
with the decree issued by the Ministry of Finance and the specifying regulations
and instructions of the Finance Supervisory Authority (former Insurance
Supervisory Authority).


Return on equity (fair values), %

+ total comprehensive income

+ valuation differences on investments less deferred tax                x 100 %
+ total equity

+ valuation differences on investments less deferred tax

(average of values 1 Jan. and the end of reporting period)

Return on assets (at fair values), %

+ operating profit

+ other comprehensive income before taxes

+ interest and other financial expense

+ calculated interest on technical provisions

+ change in valuation differences on investments                        x 100 %
+ balance sheet, total

-  technical provisions relating to unit-linked insurance

+ valuation differences on investments

(average of values on 1 Jan. and the end of the reporting period)

Equity/assets ratio (at fair values), %

+ total equity

+ valuation differences on investments after deduction of deferred tax  x 100 %
+ balance sheet total

+ valuation differences on investments

Risk ratio for P&C Insurance, %

+ claims incurred

- claims settlement expenses                                            x 100 %
insurance premiums earned

Cost ratio for P&C Insurance, %

+ operating expenses

+ claims settlement expenses                                            x 100 %
insurance premiums earned

Loss ratio for P&C Insurance, %

claims incurred                                                         x 100 %
insurance premiums earned

Expense ratio for P&C Insurance, %

operating expenses                                                      x 100 %
insurance premiums earned

Combined ratio for P&C Insurance, %

Loss ratio + expense ratio

Expense ratio for life insurance, %

+ operating expenses before change in deferred acquisition costs

+ claims settlement expenses                                            x 100 %
expense charges

Per share key figures

Earnings per share

profit for the financial period attributable to the parent

company's equity holders
adjusted average number of shares

Equity per share

equity attributable to the parent company's equity holders
adjusted number of shares at the balance sheet date

Net asset value per share

+ equity attributable to the parent company's equity holders

+ valuation differences on listed associates in the Group

+ valuation differences after the deduction of deferred taxes
adjusted number of shares at balance sheet date

Market capitalisation

number of shares at the balance sheet date

x closing share price at the balance sheet date


EURm                            10-12/2010 7-9/2010 4-6/2010 1-3/2010 10-12/2009

Insurance premiums written           1,127    1,007    1,198    1,764      1,077

Net income from investments            346      310      163      363        259

Other operating income                  11        6        6        3          6

Claims incurred                       -886     -855     -874     -918       -792

Change in liabilities for
insurance and investment
contracts                              -62       25       26     -759        -61

Staff costs                           -133     -135     -124     -135       -134

Other operating expenses              -162     -125     -139     -121       -130

Finance costs                          -33      -35      -29      -35        -25

Share of associates'
profit/loss                            152      140      106      124          0

Profit for the period before
taxes                                  361      338      334      287        199

Taxes                                  -59      -55      -62      -41        -51

Profit for the period                  302      284      273      245        148

Other comprehensive income for
the period

Exchange differences on
translating foreign operations          43       58       30       83         -8

Available-for-sale financial
assets                                 146      311     -179      328       -189

Cash flow hedges                        -1       -2       -4       -2         -3

Share of other comprehensive
income of associates                    10        1        9       27          -

Income tax relating to
components of other
comprehensive income                   -38      -81       48      -85        -50

Other comprehensive income for
the period, net of tax                 161      288      -96      351       -250

THE PERIOD, NET OF TAX                 463      571      177      596       -102

Profit attributable to

  Owners of the parent                 302      284      273      245        148

  Non-controlling interests              0        0        0        0          0

Total comprehensive income
attributable to

  Owners of the parent                 463      571      177      596       -101

  Non-controlling interests              0        0        0        0          0


EURm                                                    Note 1-12/2010 1-12/2009

Insurance premiums written                               1       5,096     4,479

Net income from investments                              2       1,183     1,155

Other operating income                                              26        20

Claims incurred                                          3      -3,533    -3,105

Change in liabilities for insurance and investment
contracts                                                         -769      -633

Staff costs                                              4        -527      -510

Other operating expenses                                          -547      -495

Finance costs                                                     -131       -87

Share of associates' profit/loss                                   523         1

Profit before taxes                                              1,320       825

Taxes                                                             -217      -184

Profit for the period                                            1,104       641

Other comprehensive income for the period

Exchange differences                                               214       123

Available-for-sale financial assets                                605     2,989

Cash flow hedges                                                    -9        -3

Share of other comprehensive income of associates                   48         -

Income tax relating to components of other
comprehensive income                                              -156      -326

Other comprehensive income for the period, net of tax              703     2,782

TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD                        1,807     3,423

Profit attributable to

  Owners of the parent                                           1,104       641

  Non-controlling interests                                          0         0

Total comprehensive income attributable to

  Owners of the parent                                           1,807      3423

  Non-controlling interests                                          0         0

Basic earnings per share (eur)                                    1.97      1.14


EURm                                                    Note   12/2010   12/2009


Property, plant and equipment                                       29        34

Investment property                                                122       124

Intangible assets                                        5         742       688

Investments in associates                                        5,699     5,172

Financial assets                                        6, 7    17,508    15,479

Investments related to unit-linked insurance contracts   8       3,127     2,366

Tax assets                                                          68        81

Reinsurers' share of insurance liabilities                         514       481

Other assets                                                     1,515     1,439

Cash and cash equivalents                                          527       771

Total assets                                                    29,851    26,635


Liabilities for insurance and investment contracts       9      13,749    13,014

Liabilities for unit-linked insurance and investment
contracts                                                10      3,124     2,359

Financial liabilities                                    11      2,187     2,098

Tax liabilities                                                    640       500

Provisions                                                          36        35

Employee benefits                                                  105       104

Other liabilities                                                1,124       912

Total liabilities                                               20,965    19,022


Share capital                                                       98        98

Reserves                                                         1,530     1,530

Retained earnings                                                6,459     5,889

Other components of equity                                         799        96

Equity attributable to owners of the parent                      8,886     7,613

Non-controlling interests                                            0         0

Total equity                                                     8,886     7,613

Total equity and liabilities                                    29,851    26,635


                                          In-        Trans-  lable-
                         Sha-           vest-        lation    for-
                           re          ed un-   Re-      of    sale
                         pre-    Le-      re- tain- foreign  finan-   Cash
                 Sha-    mium    gal  strict-    ed    ope-    cial   flow
                   re     ac-    re-       ed earn- rations  assets hedges
EURm          capital   count  serve   equity  ings      *)     **)   ***) Total

Equity at 1
Jan. 2009          98   1,161    370        0 5,688    -323  -2,375     11 4,631

Changes in

equity                 -1,161   -366    1,527             1                    0

payments                                         -1                           -1

of treasury
shares                                           -1                           -1

of undrawn
dividends                                        11                           11

Dividends                                      -449                         -449

Total comprehensive
income for the period                           641     122   2,662     -2 3,422

Equity at
31 Dec. 2009       98       0      4    1,527 5,889    -200     287      9 7,613

Changes in

payments                                         -1                           -1

of undrawn
dividends                                        10                           10

Dividends                                      -561                         -561

Share of

in equity                                        19                           19

Total comprehensive
income for the period                         1,104     262     447     -6 1,807

Equity at
31 Dec. 2010       98       0      4    1,527 6,459      62     734      3 8,886

*) The total comprehensive income includes also the share of the associate
Nordea's other comprehensive income, in accordance with the Group's share
holding. As Nordea's other comprehensive income comprise mainly the currency
hedging of net investments and exchange differences, the Group's share of
Nordea's other comprehensive income EURm 48 is also included in the Group's
exchange differences in the statement of changes in equity.

**) The amount recognised in equity from available-for-sale financial assets for
the period totalled EURm 615 (2,626).   The amount transferred to p/l amounted
to EURm -168 (35).

***) The amount recognised in equity from cash flow hedges for the period
totalled EURm -6 (-2) .

The amount included in the translation, available-for-sale and cash flow hedge
reserves represent other comprehensive income for each component, net of tax.


                                                        1-12/2010 1-12/2009

Cash and cash equivalent at the beginning of the period       761       499

Cash flow from/used in operating activities                   147     1,484

Cash flow from/used in investing activities                    67    -1,771

Cash flow from/used in financing activities                  -448       549

   Dividends paid                                            -554      -444

   Acquisition of treasury shares                               -        -1

   Increase of liabilities                                  1,954     2,002

   Decrease of liabilities                                 -1,848    -1,008

Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the period             527       761

The cash flow statement reports cash flows during the period classified by
operating, investing and      financing activities. Cash flows are reported by
using the indirect method. Cash flows from operating activities derive primarily
from the principal revenue-producing activities. Cash flows from investments in
subsidiaries and associated undertakings and those from investments in
intangible assets and property, plant and equipment are presented in investing
activities. Financing activities include cash flows resulting from changes in
equity and borrowings in order to conduct the business. Cash and cash
equivalents consist of cash at bank and in hand and short-term deposits (under
3 months).



Sampo Group's consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with
the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adopted by the EU. The
interim financial statements are presented in accordance with IAS 34 Interim
Financial Reporting. In preparing the interim financial statements, the same
accounting policies and methods of computation are applied as in the financial
statements for 2009.

Sampo adopted various new or revised standards and interpretations at the
beginning of the year 2010. These standards and interpretations are explained in
Sampos accounting policies for the financial year 2009. The financial statements
will be available on Sampo's website at

The most significant of the adopted standards is the revised IFRS 3 Business
combinations. The standard includes various significant changes regarding the
accounting treatment of business combinations by allowing the company to measure
the non-controlling interest at fair value instead of the proportionate interest
in the acquiree's net assets. The choice affects the amounts of recognised
goodwill and non-controlling interest.

31 DECEMBER 2010

EURm                     P&C insurance Life insurance Holding Elimination  Group

Insurance premius
written                          3,985          1,111       -           -  5,096

Net income from
investments                        487            645      60          -9  1,183

Other operating income              25              0      16         -15     26

Claims incurred                 -2,689           -844       -           - -3,533

Change in liabilities
for insurance and
investment contracts               -91           -678       -           -   -769

Staff costs                       -479            -35     -13           -   -527

Other operating expenses          -501            -49     -11          15   -547

Finance costs                      -29             -8    -100           6   -131

Share of associates'
profit/loss                          0              0     523           -    523

Profit before taxes                707            142     474          -3  1,320

Taxes                             -189            -37       9           0   -217

Profit for the period              518            105     483          -3  1,104

Other comprehensive
income for the period

Exchange differences               214              0       -           -    214

financial assets                   286            315       4           1    605

Cash flow hedges                     -             -9       -           -     -9

Share of other
comprehensive income of
associates                           -              -      48           -     48

Income tax relating to
components of other
comprehensive income               -75            -80      -1           0   -156

Other comprehensive
income for the period,
net of tax                         425            226      51           1    703

INCOME FOR THE PERIOD              943            332     534          -2  1,807

Profit attributable to

  Owners of the parent                                                     1,104

interests                                                                      0

Total comprehensive
income attributable to

  Owners of the parent                                                     1,807

interests                                                                      0


EURm                     P&C insurance Life insurance Holding Elimination  Group

Insurance premius
written                          3,677            803       -           -  4,479

Net income from
investments                        394            629     109          24  1,155

Other operating income              23              0      13         -16     20

Claims incurred                 -2,477           -628       -           - -3,105

Change in liabilities
for insurance and
investment contracts               -33           -600       -           -   -633

Staff costs                       -470            -29     -11           -   -510

Other operating expenses          -439            -46     -17           7   -495

Finance costs                      -30             -8     -58           9    -87

Share of associates'
profit/loss                          0              0       -           -      1

Profit before taxes                644            121      36          23    825

Taxes                             -159            -28       9          -6   -184

Profit for the period              485             93      45          17    641

Other comprehensive
income for the period

Exchange differences               123              0       -           -    123

financial assets                   709            546   1,756         -23  2,989

Cash flow hedges                     -             -3       -           -     -3

Income tax relating to
components of other
comprehensive income              -191           -141       0           6   -326

Other comprehensive
income for the period,
net of tax                         641            402   1,756         -17  2,782

INCOME FOR THE PERIOD            1,127            495   1,801           0  3,423

Profit attributable to

  Owners of the parent                                                       641

interests                                                                      0

Total comprehensive
income attributable to

  Owners of the parent                                                     3,423

interests                                                                      0


EURm                    P&C insurance Life insurance Holding Elimina-tion  Group


Property, plant and
equipment                          19              5       5            -     29

Investment property                26             96       4           -4    122

Intangible assets                 577            165       0            -    742

Investments in
associates                         11              0   5,688            -  5,699

Financial assets               11,226          5,745   3,101       -2,563 17,508

Investments related to
unit-linked insurance
contracts                           -          3,127       -            -  3,127

Tax assets                         50              -      18            0     68

Reinsurers' share of
insurance liabilities             510              4       -            -    514

Other assets                    1,363            106      66          -20  1,515

Cash and cash
equivalents                       319            152      56            -    527

Total assets                   14,101          9,400   8,938       -2,587 29,851


Liabilities for
insurance and
investment contracts            9,340          4,410       -            - 13,749

Liabilities for unit-
linked insurance and
investment contracts                -          3,124       -            -  3,124

Financial liabilities             512            126   1,741         -191  2,187

Tax liabilities                   464            176       -            -    640

Provisions                         36              -       -            -     36

Employee benefits                 105              -       -            -    105

Other liabilities                 690            339     117          -22  1,124

Total liabilities              11,146          8,174   1,857         -213 20,965


Share capital                                                                 98

Reserves                                                                   1,530

Retained earnings                                                          6,459

Other components of
equity                                                                       799

Equity attributable to
owners of the parent                                                       8,886

interests                                                                      0

Total equity                                                               8,886

Total equity and
liabilities                                                               29,851


EURm                    P&C insurance Life insurance Holding Elimina-tion  Group


Property, plant and
equipment                          23              5       5            -     34

Investment property                28             87      10            -    124

Intangible assets                 521            167       0            -    688

Investments in
associates                          3              0   5,168            -  5,172

Financial assets               10,248          5,216   2,554       -2,538 15,479

Investments related to
unit-linked insurance
contracts                           -          2,366       -            -  2,366

Tax assets                         71              -      11            0     81

Reinsurers' share of
insurance liabilities             477              4       -            -    481

Other assets                    1,265            133      76          -36  1,439

Cash and cash
equivalents                       292             68     412            -    771

Total assets                   12,927          8,047   8,235       -2,574 26,635


Liabilities for
insurance and
investment contracts            8,583          4,431       -            - 13,014

Liabilities for unit-
linked insurance and
investment contracts                -          2,359       -            -  2,359

Financial liabilities             524            132   1,609         -166  2,098

Tax liabilities                   403             97       -            -    500

Provisions                         35              -       -            -     35

Employee benefits                 104              -       -            -    104

Other liabilities                 719            134      95          -36    912

Total liabilities              10,367          7,153   1,703         -202 19,022


Share capital                                                                 98

Reserves                                                                   1,530

Retained earnings                                                          5,889

Other components of
equity                                                                        96

Equity attributable to
owners of the parent                                                       7,613

interests                                                                      0

Total equity                                                               7,613

Total equity and
liabilities                                                               26,635



P&C insurance

                                            1-12/2010            1-12/2009

Premiums from insurance contracts

Premiums written, direct insurance              4,105                3,770

Premiums written, assumed reinsurance              84                  118

Premiums written, gross                         4,189                3,888

Ceded reinsurance premiums written               -204                 -211

P&C Insurance, total                            3,985                3,677

Change in unearned premium provision              -94                  -28

Reinsurers' share                                   2                   -5

Premiums earned for P&C Insurance,
total                                           3,894                3,643

Life insurance

                                            1-12/2010            1-12/2009

Premiums from insurance contracts

Premiums from contracts with
discretionary participation feature               271                  231

Premiums from unit-linked contracts               376                  273

Premiums from other contracts                       1                    4

Insurance contracts, total                        648                  508

Assumed reinsurance                                 2                    2

Premiums from investment contracts

Premiums from contracts with
discretionary participation feature                 1                   20

Premiums from unit-linked contracts               467                  279

Investment contracts, total                       468                  299

Reinsurers' shares                                 -6                   -6

Life insurance, total                           1,111                  803

Single and regular premiums from
direct insurance

Regular premiums, insurance contracts             392                  381

Single premiums, insurance contracts              256                  127

Single premiums, investment contracts             468                  299

Total                                           1,115                  807

Group, total                                    5,096                4,479


P&C Insurance

                                            1-12/2010            1-12/2009

Financial assets

Derivative financial instruments                   28                   55

Financial assets designated as at fair
value through p/l

    Debt securities                                 7                   28

    Equity securities                               3                   10

Total                                               9                   38

Loans and receivables                              13                   13

Financial asset available-for-sale

    Debt securities                               446                  411

    Equity securities                              73                  -54

Total                                             519                  357

Total financial assets                            569                  463

Income from other assets                           -2                    0

Fee and commission expense                         -8                   -6

Expense on other than financial
liabilities                                       -16                   -3

Effect of discounting annuities                   -58                  -59

P&C insurance, total                              487                  394

Life insurance

                                            1-12/2010            1-12/2009

Financial assets

Derivative financial instruments                   -7                   50

Financial assets designated as at fair
value through p/l

    Debt securities                                 5                    5

    Equity securities                               0                    0

Total                                               6                    6

Investments related to unit-linked

    Debt securities                                48                   43

    Equity securities                             284                  314

    Loans and receivables                          -1                    0

    Other financial assets                          2                    2

Total                                             333                  359

Loans and receivables                               4                    4

Financial asset available-for-sale

    Debt securities                               190                  189

    Equity securities                             107                   -5

Total                                             297                  184

Total income from financial assets                631                  604

Other assets                                        5                   20

Fee and commission income, net                      8                    5

Life insurance, total                             645                  629


                                            1-12/2010            1-12/2009

Financial assets

Derivative financial instruments                   26                   15

Loans and other receivables                        21                    8

Financial assets available-for-sale

    Debt securities                                10                   15

    Equity securities                               2                   62

Total                                              11                   77

Other assets                                        2                    1

Fee income, net                                     1                    8

Holding, total                                     60                  109

Elimination items between segments                 -9                   24

Group, total                                    1,183                1,155


P&C insurance                               1-12/2010            1-12/2009

Claims paid                                    -2,690               -2,437

Reinsurers' share                                 116                  103

Claims paid, net                               -2,574               -2,333

Change in provision for claims
outstanding                                      -106                 -162

Reinsurers' share                                  -9                   18

P&C Insurance total                            -2,689               -2,477

Life insurance                              1-12/2010            1-12/2009

Claims paid                                      -782                 -564

Reinsurers' share                                   4                    4

Claims paid, net                                 -778                 -560

Change in provision for claims
outstanding                                       -66                  -67

Reinsurers' share                                   0                    0

Life insurance, total                            -844                 -628

Group, total                                   -3,533               -3,105


P&C insurance                               1-12/2010            1-12/2009

Wages and salaries                               -340                 -330

Granted cash-settled share options                 -9                   -4

Pension costs                                     -63                  -74

Other social security costs                       -68                  -62

P&C insurance, total                             -479                 -470

Life insurance                              1-12/2010            1-12/2009

Wages and salaries                                -27                  -23

Granted cash-settled share options                 -2                   -1

Pension costs                                      -4                   -3

Other social security costs                        -3                   -2

Life insurance, total                             -35                  -29

Holding                                     1-12/2010            1-12/2009

Wages and salaries                                 -7                   -7

Granted cash-settled share options                 -4                   -1

Pension costs                                      -1                   -2

Other social security costs                        -1                   -1

Holding, total                                    -13                  -11

Group, total                                     -527                 -510


P&C insurance                                            12/2010 12/2009

Goodwill                                                     564     506

Customer relations                                             -       6

Other intangible assets                                       13       8

P&C Insurance, total                                         577     521

Life insurance                                           12/2010 12/2009

Goodwill                                                     153     153

Other intangible assets                                       12      14

Life insurance, total                                        165     167

Holding                                                  12/2010 12/2009

Other intangible assets                                        0       0

Group, total                                                 742     688


P&C insurance

                                                         12/2010 12/2009

Derivative financial instruments (Note 7)                     63      84

Financial assets designated as at fair value through p/l

   Debt securities                                            90     136

   Equity securities                                           2      27

Total                                                         92     163

Loans and receivables

   Loans                                                      72       2

   Deposits with ceding undertakings                           1       1

Total                                                         73       3

Financial assets available-for-sale

   Debt securities                                         9,226   8,797

   Equity securities                                       1,772   1,201

Total                                                     10,997   9,998

P&C insurance, total                                      11,226  10,248

Life insurance

                                                         12/2010 12/2009

Derivative financial instruments (Note 7)                     58      66

Financial assets designated as at fair value through p/l

   Debt securities                                            61      46

   Equity securities                                           0       4

Total                                                         61      50

Loans and receivables

   Loans                                                      25      24

   Deposits with ceding undertakings                           1       2

Total                                                         26      26

Financial assets available-for-sale

   Debt securities                                         3,242   3,289

   Equity securities *)                                    2,357   1,785

Total                                                      5,598   5,074

Life insurance, total                                      5,745   5,216

*) of which investments in interest funds                     61     157


                                                         12/2010 12/2009

Derivative financial instruments (Note 7)                     36      12

Loans and receivables

   Deposits                                                    1       1

Financial assets available-for-sale

   Debt securities                                           659     135

   Equity securities                                          36      36

Total                                                        695     172

Investments in subsidiaries                                2,370   2,370

Holding, total                                             3,101   2,554

Elimination items between segments                        -2,563  -2,538

Group, total                                              17,508  15,479


P&C insurance               12/2010                          12/2009

                               Fair                             Fair
                              value  Fair value                value  Fair value

                Contract/                         Contract/
                 notional                          notional
                   amount    Assets Liabilities      amount   Assets Liabilities

held for

Interest rate
derivatives           970         8           0         849       22           0

derivatives         3,963        54          75       3,365       62          88

derivatives             2         1           -           1        -           0

Total               4,935        63          75       4,215       84          88

held for

Fair value
hedges                189         0           0         217        0           0

total               5,124        63          75       4,432       84          89

insurance                   12/2010                          12/2009

                               Fair                             Fair
                              value  Fair value                value  Fair value

                Contract/                         Contract/
                 notional                          notional
                   amount    Assets Liabilities      amount   Assets Liabilities

held for

Interest rate
derivatives         1,277        30           3       1,406       51           3

derivatives         1,874        25           9         852        4          29

derivatives             -         -           0          14        -           0

Total               3,151        54          12       2,272       54          32

held for

Cash flow
hedges                 88         3           0         365       12           -

Fair value
hedges                494         1          14         227        -           -

Total                 582         4          14         591       12           -

total               3,733        58          26       2,863       66          32

Holding                     12/2010                          12/2009

                               Fair                             Fair
                              value  Fair value                value  Fair value

                Contract/                         Contract/
                 notional                          notional
                   amount    Assets Liabilities      amount   Assets Liabilities

held for

Interest rate
derivatives         1,075        29           -         975        7           -

derivatives             -         -           -          48        1           0

derivatives            95         7          10          42        4           7

Total               1,170        36          10       1,065       12           7


Life insurance

                           12/2010          12/2009

Financial assets as
at fair value
through p/l

Debt securities                551              365

Equity securities            2,430            1,923

Loans and
receivables                    131               70

Derivatives                     15                8

Life insurance,
total                        3,127            2,366


P&C insurance

                           12/2010          12/2009

Insurance contracts

Provision for
unearned premiums            1,845            1,668

Provision for
claims outstanding           7,494            6,915

P&C Insurance,
total                        9,340            8,583

Reinsurers' share

Provision for
unearned premiums               53               49

Provision for
claims outstanding             457              428

P&C Insurance,
total                          510              477

Life insurance

                           12/2010          12/2009

Insurance contracts

Liabilities for
contracts with DPF

   Provision for
unearned premiums            2,465            2,513

   Provision for
claims outstanding           1,907            1,844

Total                        4,372            4,358

Liabilities for
contracts without

   Provision for
unearned premiums               14               13

   Provision for
claims outstanding               0                0

Total                           14               13

Total                        4,386            4,371

Assumed reinsurance

   Provision for
unearned premiums                1                1

   Provision for
claims outstanding               2                2

Total                            3                3

contracts, total

Provision for
unearned premiums            2,479            2,528

Provision for
claims outstanding           1,909            1,846

Total                        4,388            4,374


Liabilities for
contracts with DPF

   Provision for
unearned premiums               22               57

Liabilities for
insurance and
contracts, total

Provision for
unearned premiums            2,501            2,585

Provision for
claims outstanding           1,909            1,846

Life insurance,
total                        4,410            4,431

Recoverable from

Provision for
unearned premiums                0                0

Provision for
claims outstanding               4                4

Life insurance,
total                            4                4

Investment contracts do
not include a provision
for claims outstanding.

Liability adequacy test
does not give rise to
supplementary claims.

Exemption allowed in IFRS
4 Insurance contracts has
been applied to
investment contracts with
DPF or contracts with a
right to trade-off for an
investment contract with
These investment
contracts have been
valued like insurance

Group, total                13,749           13,014


Life insurance             12/2010          12/2009

insurance contracts          2,381            1,961

contracts                      743              398

Life insurance,
total                        3,124            2,359


P&C insurance              12/2010          12/2009

instruments (Note
7)                              75               89

Subordinated debt

Subordinated loans             437              435

P&C insurance,
total                          512              524

Life insurance             12/2010          12/2009

instruments (Note
7)                              26               32

Subordinated debt

Subordinated loans             100              100

Life insurance,
total                           26              132

Holding                    12/2010          12/2009

instruments (Note
7)                              10                7

Debt securities in

Commercial papers              575              466

Bonds                        1,026              962

Total                        1,601            1,429

Subordinated debt

Debentures                       -               37


Pension loan                   130              130

Other                            -                6

Total                          130              136

Holding, total               1,741            1,609

Elimination items
between segments              -191             -166

Group, total                 2,187            2,098


P&C insurance

                           12/2010          12/2009

Off-balance sheet

Guarantees                      57               19

Other irrevocable
commitments                     27               69

Total                           84               88

Assets pledged as
collateral for
liabilities or

                           12/2010          12/2010     12/2009          12/2009

Assets pledged as                      Liabilities/      Assets     Liabilities/
collateral          Assets pledged    commit- ments     pledged    commit- ments

Cash at balances at
central banks                   10                8           9                7


- Investment
securities                     133              111         124              101

Total                          142              118         133              108

operating leases           12/2010          12/2009

Minimum lease

not later than one
year                            32               32

later than one year
and not later than
five years                      78               82

later than five
years                          101              106

Total                          212              220

Life insurance

                           12/2010          12/2009

Off-balance sheet

Fund commitments               348              357

                           12/2010          12/2009

Other commitments

Acquisition of IT-
software                         2                0

operating leases           12/2010          12/2009

Minimum lease

not later than one
year                             2                2

later than one year
and not later than
five years                       6                7

later than five
years                            0                1

Total                            8               10


                           12/2010          12/2009

Off-balance sheet

Fund commitments                 1                3

Assets pledged as
collateral for
liabilities or

                           12/2010          12/2010     12/2009          12/2009

Assets pledged as                      Liabilities/      Assets     Liabilities/
collateral          Assets pledged    commit- ments     pledged    commit- ments


- Mortgaged
collateral notes                 -                -          15                6

operating leases           12/2010          12/2009

Minimum lease

not later than one
year                             1                1

later than one year
and not later than
five years                       3                3

later than five
years                            1                2

Total                            5                7


                         1-12/2010        1-12/2009

Premiums earned              3,894            3,643

Claims incurred             -2,943           -2,717

Operating expenses            -671             -640

Other technical
income and expenses              0                0

investment return
transferred from
the non-technical
account                        168              201

Technical result               449              488

Investment result              516              423

investment return
transferred to the
technical account             -226             -261

Other income and
expenses                       -32               -6

Operating result               707              644



                         1-12/2010        1-12/2009

Other operating
income                          17               14

Staff expenses                 -13              -12

Depreciation and
impairment                       0                0

Other operating
expenses                       -12              -18

Operating profit                -8              -15

Finance income and
expenses                       710              538

Profit before
appropriations and
income taxes                   702              522

Income taxes                     9                9

Profit for the
financial period               710              531

BALANCE SHEET              12/2010          12/2009


Non-current assets

Intangible assets                1                1

Property, plant and
equipment                        4                4


  Shares in Group
companies                    2,370            2,370

  Receivables from
Group companies                145              122

  Shares in
undertakings                 5,304            5,168

  Receivables from
undertakings                   150                -

  Other shares and
participations                  40               41

  Other receivables            365               14

Receivables                    120               98

Cash and cash
equivalents                     56              412

TOTAL ASSETS                 8,553            8,229



Share capital                   98               98

Fair value reserve               0               -3

unrestricted equity          1,527            1,527

Other reserves                 273              273

Retained earnings            4,088            4,108

Profit for the year            710              531

Total equity                 6,696            6,534


Long-term                    1,155            1,129

Short-term                     702              567

Total liabilities            1,857            1,696

TOTAL LIABILITIES            8,553            8,229


Pièces jointes

Financial statement release 2010 pdf.pdf