The Threat of Radioactive Fallout: Dr. Isaac Eliaz Explains How to Protect Yourself From a Nuclear Event

SANTA ROSA, Calif., March 19, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As the world watches the nuclear tragedies unfold in Japan, fears are rising regarding the potential for radioactive fallout to travel to the United States, particularly the West Coast. Could this really happen and can we protect ourselves from a nuclear event? The general answer to both questions is yes, according to Medical Expert Dr. Isaac Eliaz. But there is much more you can do to protect yourself and your family from radiation exposure besides supplementing with potassium iodine. Potassium iodine does not protect from all radiation exposure, and is extremely dependent on timing. Self-medicating with ongoing high doses of this supplement is strongly discouraged due to the health risks associated, especially for people with thyroid issues.

So what should I do right now?

At this point, it is difficult to know exactly how much radiation we may be exposed to here in North America. Potassium iodine can be an important preventative in this case, but other supplements and foods which are known to remove radioactive isotopes from the body and protect against DNA mutation must be taken as well if the risk of exposure is real. A toxin removal protocol, which is designed to remove heavy metals, toxins and radioactive particles from the body, is strongly recommended. Click here for a prevention and treatment protocol that addresses nuclear radiation exposure using a multi-dimensional approach.

Stay Calm

Despite all that is going on around us, it is important to keep stress levels to a minimum so that our energy can be used productively to help ourselves and others. For more information about current radiation exposure risks, there are a few websites that are monitoring radiation levels in various parts of the country throughout the day. One of these can be found at Stay tuned for more information as this situation unfolds and remember to stay calm while keeping yourself and your family healthy and protected.

To learn more about Dr. Isaac Eliaz's health recommendations and research visit his website or call (707) 583-8622 to schedule a personal interview.

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Amy Pellegrini
Communications Coordinator
Better Health Publishing
(707) 583-8622

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