Vaisala Corporation Stock exchange release 25.03.2011 klo 09.00 The Annual General Meeting of Vaisala Oyj decided on March 24, 2011 to approve the Company's annual accounts for 2010. The dividend will be EUR 0.65 per share. The amendment of Articles of Association The Annual General Meeting decided to amend the paragraphs 3§, 5§, 6§, 9§, 10§ and 12§ of the Articles of Association according to the proposal of the Board of Directors. The main content of the amendment is to increase the maximum number of Board members to eight (8) and to make technical updates to meet the present wording of the Companies Act and established practices of the company. Dividend The Annual General Meeting decided that a dividend of EUR 0.65 per share, corresponding to the total of EUR 11,835,989.10 will be distributed for the financial year 2010. Dividend is not paid to the A-shares held by Vaisala Oyj. The record date for dividend payment is March 29, 2011 and dividend will be paid on April 5, 2011. Discharge from liability The Annual General Meeting granted the Members of the Board of Directors and the Company's President and CEO discharge from liability for the accounts. Composition and remuneration of the Board of Directors The Annual General Meeting confirmed that the Board of Directors comprise of seven (7) members. Mikko Niinivaara and Raimo Voipio, who were to retire by rotation were re-elected for three years. Timo Lappalainen was elected as a new member to the Board. The other Members are Maija Torkko, Yrjö Neuvo, Mikko Voipio and Stig Gustavson. The Annual General Meeting decided that the annual remuneration of the chairman of the Board of Directors is 35 000 euros, and the annual remuneration of a member 25 000 euros. Auditors and their fee The meeting elected PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, Authorized Public Accountants, to continue as the Company's auditor. PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy has informed that APA Hannu Pellinen will act as the auditor with the principal responsibility. The auditors' compensation will be based on reasonable invoicing presented to the company. Donations to universities The Annual General Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to donate max. 250,000 euros to universities. The authorization is valid until the Annual General Meeting of 2012. The meeting of the Board of Directors Raimo Voipio will continue as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Yrjö Neuvo will continue as Vice-Chairman. Maija Torkko, Mikko Niinivaara, Mikko Voipio, Stig Gustavson and Timo Lappalainen will be the Members of the Board of Directors. Further information: Jouni Lintunen, CFO,, tel. +358 9 8949 2215 or +358 40 579 0181 Vaisala Oyj Distribution: NASDAQ OMX Helsinki [HUG#1499997]