Max Bank A/S. Interim Report Q1 2011

Q1 2011 in headlines

- Loss after tax of DKK 14.7m

- Total loss of DKK 13.1m due to the Amagerbanken having gone bankrupt

- Negative market value adjustments of DKK 4.7m

- Uncertainty still exists as to the size of impairment losses for FY 2011

- Total business volume calculated as the total amount of loans and advances, deposits, guarantees and custody account volume of DKK 14.8bn

- Excess coverage of 139.7% relative to the statutory liquidity requirement

- Solvency ratio of 14.4% and a calculated solvency need of 10.8%

- Plan 2013, which is to make Max Bank independent of government guarantees by 2013, prescribes, among other measures, operating adjustments which will have a positive influence on the Bank's ordinary activities in 2011 with effect from Q2 2011.

- The expectation that the Bank will generate a profit for the year in the range of DKK 80 to 100m before market value adjustments, impairment losses and tax is maintained


Stock Exchange Announcement No. 9/2011

Pièces jointes

1. kvartalsrapport 2011 UK.pdf