Poison Centers Issue Safety Alert for Portable Generator Use After Hurricane Irene

ALEXANDRIA, Va., Aug. 26, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- America's poison centers are urging people in the path of Hurricane Irene to take steps to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning related to portable generators, according to Dr. Charles McKay, assistant medical director for the Connecticut Poison Center.

Carbon monoxide poisoning is the most common poison-related cause of hospitalization and death in the wake of hurricanes. It is called a "silent killer" because there are no odors or symptoms that signal a problem. When people use generators improperly – too close to homes, in garages or outside bedroom windows – carbon monoxide can seep in and sicken or even kill. Open windows or outside garage doors do not provide adequate ventilation for generators or other gas-powered equipment.

"Many poison emergencies happen in the period during and after natural disasters like hurricanes," McKay said. "An entirely preventable emergency is carbon monoxide poisoning. That's why we encourage anyone who loses power and plans to use a portable generator to follow some key safety steps."

The American Association of Poison Control Centers recommends the following tips for using portable generators safely:

  • Carefully follow the manufacturer's safety instructions for portable generators.
  • Never use portable generators indoors, in garages or near open windows.
  • Do not siphon gasoline by mouth to fill a generator with fuel.
  • Use battery-operated (or battery-backup) carbon monoxide alarms. Be sure to test the batteries.
  • If you experience sleepiness, dizziness, headaches, confusion, weakness or your carbon monoxide alarm sounds, immediately seek fresh air and call your poison center at 1-800-222-1222.

For more information, the media may contact Loreeta Canton, communications manager, American Association of Poison Control Centers, at 703.894.1863 or canton@aapcc.org.

About the American Association of Poison Control Centers:

The American Association of Poison Control Centers supports the nation's 57 poison centers in their efforts to treat and prevent poisoning. Poison centers offer free, private, expert medical advice 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The poison specialists take calls in more than 150 languages and from people who are hearing impaired.

If you have questions about poisons, or if you believe you've been exposed to something that could be bad for you, call your poison center at 1-800-222-1222.

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Communications Manager

American Association of Poison Control Centers



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