Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Addresses International Financial Leaders at the Peru Investment Forum in New York City

Peruvian Business Council Sponsored Event Brings Together Government and Financial Leaders to Forge Meaningful Ties to Increase Investment and Trade

NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - Sep 22, 2011) - The Peru Investment Forum attracted over 200 people who came to hear from President Humala, Minister of Finance Miguel Castilla, and leading representatives from the Peruvian financial and business sectors. The Forum included panel discussions and keynote speeches analyzing how funding is channeled for investments in Peru; the regulatory framework that supports these activities; and the private sector efforts to benefit from capital investments. The President and Finance Minister stressed the government's willingness to work closely with global businesses in order to maintain growth of 6 percent in upcoming years. The objective is to raise the standard of living for all Peruvians through better education, social programs and infrastructure programs. In order to finance these ambitious goals, the country will need to attract global capital and develop its plentiful natural resources.

Second to Brazil, Peru is the leading investment option in Latin America having registered the largest GDP growth with over 9% in the last year, and a growth of over 50% in utilities for companies listed on the stock exchange, making it the most attractive investment country in the region.

The event was organized by the Peruvian Business Council, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting investment and business opportunities in Peru. The organization plays a vital role in the Peruvian Capital Markets with the support of organizations such as CITI, Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP, Goldman Sachs, BTG Pactual, Grupo Suramericana/Bancolombia, Lan, Financial Times and Scotia Capital, among others. Since 2009, the Peruvian Business Council has been dedicated to discussing investment conditions, experiences and opportunities in specific sectors in Peru. The 2009 Peru Investment Forum was focused on the Energy Sector while the 2010 Peru Investment Forum examined the Infrastructure sector in Peru. The Council will open an office in Singapore in 2012 to promote investments from Asia to Peru. This is part of its ongoing commitment to creating channels and forging partnerships to promote investments in Peru.

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