Ohio Board of Regents Invites Students to Annual "Ohio Day" at CollegeWeekLive October 5, 2011

Prospective College Students from around the World can Learn about Going to College in Ohio through www.collegeweeklive.com

BOSTON, Oct. 4, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ohio Board of Regents Chancellor, Jim Petro, encourages students, parents and high school guidance counselors to connect directly with college admission representatives during the state's annual "Ohio Day" virtual college fair, hosted by CollegeWeekLive - the leading platform for online admissions events. Through the States's partnership with CollegeWeekLive, prospective college students from around the world can learn about going to college in Ohio. CollegeWeekLive OHIO DAY will run from 2 pm to 8 pm EDT.

Students, parents and high school guidance counselors will have the opportunity to connect directly with college admissions representatives without actually needing to physically visit colleges in Ohio. Additionally, they will have the ability to interact with students who are currently enrolled at participating schools and view live video presentations about "Saving for College," "Admissions," "Financial Aid Options" and "Post College Employment."

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio will deliver this year's keynote address, "Why attend College in Ohio?"

Participating colleges and universities include:

Bowling Green State University
Capital University
Case Western Reserve University
Central State University
Cuyahoga Community College
Eastern Gateway Community College
Kent State University
Lake Erie College
Lorain County Community College
Miami University
Notre Dame College
Ohio Northern University
University of Dayton
DeVry University -  Columbus
Columbus State Community College
Wright State University
Xavier University

Last year, more than 3,000 college-bound students attended Ohio Day. Over 750,000 College Advantage 529 Plan participants have been invited to this year's event by the Ohio Tuition Trust Authority, and more than 300,000 students from around the globe will be invited by CollegeWeekLive. CollegeWeekLive Ohio Day partnerships also include the Ohio School Counselor Association (OSCA), Ohio College Access Network (OCAN), CollegeNow, the Cleveland Public Library and Parents Advancing Choice in Education (PACE).

Students or parents interested in attending CollegeWeekLive OHIO DAY should visit CollegeWeekLive.com to register for free and can register up through the day of the event, October 5, 2011.

About the Board of Regents

The Ohio Board of Regents is the state agency that coordinates higher education in Ohio. The agency is directed by its Chancellor, who is a member of the Governor of Ohio's cabinet. The Chancellor, the advice of the nine-member Board of Regents, provides policy guidance to the Governor and the Ohio General Assembly, advocates for the University System of Ohio and carries out state higher education policy.

Ohio Board of Regents Contact:
Kim Norris, Office: 614.466.6000, knorris(at) regents(dot)state(dot)oh(dot)us

About CollegeWeekLive

CollegeWeekLive ( http://www.CollegeWeekLive.com ) provides the world's largest college fairs and online admissions events. With hundreds of colleges and universities exhibiting and more than 350,000 registrants, CollegeWeekLive revolutionizes college admissions, making the process easier and more cost-effective by bringing students, parents, counselors and colleges together online, transcending time and distance. The company's admissions events have been featured on Fox, ABC News, USA Today, The Washington Post, The New York Times and The Korea Times. CollegeWeekLive is produced by PlatformQ, whose mission is to connect people, companies, organizations and associations worldwide to meet, interact and learn from leading experts and thought leaders through proven interactive tools at online events.

CollegeWeekLive Contact:
Erin Warren, Office: 617.938.6029, Press(at) CollegeWeekLive(dot)com

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