Cocoon Releases List of "Top Ten" Internet Privacy Threats

Google made the list, but the number one threat may surprise you!

Santa Barbara, CA, Oct. 13, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
Taking a page from David Letterman, a leading online privacy company today released a "Top Ten" list of threats to privacy that is anything but funny.

From relatively controversial moves from Facebook and the virtually unknown "wartrucking" tactics of Google, Cocoon posted the Top Ten to its website today as part of raising awareness about National Internet Security Awareness Month. As the company managed to aggregate our worst online privacy fears, its number one threat might surprise you: It's us.

According to Cocoon's Top Ten  list: "The ten biggest threats to privacy in 2011 paint a picture of a landscape that is littered with the potential for warrantless tracking, pervasive monitoring, mobile stalking, behavioral advertising and data harvesting. The repercussions of sharing too much personal information on Social networks has led to a deluge of private data flooding the public domain; where sites such as Facebook consistently alter privacy settings to share more. The latest Facebook platform change to create a deeper sense of connection is secondary - Bottom line: advertising is primary and Facebook gets its income from ads."

In the mood to face your fears? The entire list is at Cocoon’s 2011 List of the Top 10 Internet Privacy Threats.

About Cocoon:

Cocoon is a free internet and privacy software developed by Virtual World Computing of Santa Barbara, CA. Cocoon is designed to provide consumers with a better way to browse with greater privacy protection, computer security and browsing convenience. Cocoon puts the user in control of the Internet experience by ensuring that their computer and personal information are protected from malicious attacks, unwanted spam or phishing, cookie tracking and many other invasions of privacy. Cocoon is currently available as a free Firefox plug-in and soon will be available in an Internet Explorer version.

