Last Chance for Animals Plans Civil Disobedience at News Corporation's Annual General Meeting

LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwire - Oct 20, 2011) - Last Chance for Animals (LCA) will be protesting at Fox Studios at 11:30am. LCA is demanding that Rupert Murdoch watch the horrifying video of Australia's live export, take an official stance against live export, and release a statement to the media condemning live export. Civil disobedience will be used if these demands are not being met.

Rupert Murdoch, an Australian-American global media tycoon, is the major shareholder, chairman, and managing director of the media conglomerate News Corporation. Last Chance for Animals writes that some of the papers owned by News Corporation are biased against animal issues and activists; they print defamatory and inaccurate stories that are anti-animal and anti-activist, particularly on the issue of live animal export. Murdoch is a powerful man whose voice could end the unnecessary suffering of millions of animals.

Australia is the world's largest exporter of live animals for slaughter. Every year millions of Australian cattle, sheep, and goats are exported live to be killed in the Middle East, South East Asia, North Africa, and the Philippines -- where animal welfare laws do not exist to protect them. Tens of thousands of animals die before reaching their destination. Those who survive the grueling journey are transported, handled, and slaughtered in horrific ways. A majority of the animals will have their throats cut while they are fully conscious, leading to prolonged pain, terror, and anguishing death.

Protest Australia's live export industry and demand Rupert Murdoch speak out against it.

Fox Studios (corner of Pico and Motor) 10201 West Pico Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90035

Friday, October 21, 2011, 11:30am

Last Chance for Animals (LCA), a national animal rights organization based in Los Angeles, has been active for more than two decades. Founded and led by animal expert, author, and actor, Chris DeRose, LCA's roots began in exposing the inherent cruelty of vivisection. LCA fights for the rights of animals by conducting investigations that expose animal cruelty, launching public awareness campaigns, pushing animal friendly legislation and helping prosecute animal abusers.

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