Keep Off the Autumn Pounds with Low-Calorie Choices and Indoor Activities Offers Helpful Tips to Keep in Shape All Year Long

New York, NY, Oct. 25, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Autumn is that time of year when daylight time dwindles, the weather cools off and we find ourselves wearing bulkier clothes and staying indoors and inactive more often. This can lead to concerns about waistlines expanding. Experts say it is possible to make it from autumn and through the holiday season without gaining weight by increasing indoor exercise and using low calorie foods and beverages.

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To keep burning calories this fall and winter, find gyms which offer spin classes, aerobic dance classes, indoor pools, racquet ball leagues, basketball and even more options to keep in shape. Though there are many sweet temptations that come from Halloween treats and holiday meals through the end of the year, using low-calorie sweeteners can help keep caloric intake in check. For example, choosing sugar-free hot chocolate instead of sugar-sweetened cocoa will save 50 calories per drink. Drinking a diet soda instead of the regular version will save 150 calories - that calorie savings (150 net calories saved per day) could result in a 15 pound weight loss over the course of a year.

In fact, research published in the Journal of Food Science indicates that people who use low-calorie, sugar-free foods and beverages have higher quality diets. Researchers studied more than 1,000 adults and found that those who incorporated reduced-calorie products consumed more vitamins and minerals such as calcium, fiber and iron in their diets. They were also more likely to read labels and nutrition facts on food products.

Over half of all American adults want to lose weight, according to a recent national survey by the Calorie Control Council. These consumers are most likely to use the following tactics for weight loss: exercise, cutting back on sugar, using low calorie or reduced sugar products, and restricting the size of meal portions are the most common tactics. Among weight loss methods, cutting back on foods high in sugar was mentioned most often (by 86 percent of those surveyed). Other popular methods of weight control by those trying to lose weight include eating smaller portion sizes (85 percent) and consuming low-calorie and sugar-free foods and beverages (78 percent). has several helpful tools (including food calorie calculator, BMI calculator, and diet assessment calorie counter) to keep track of daily calorie intake and also has plenty of tips for exercise and maintaining a healthy diet this autumn and throughout the year. For more tips, visit .

