'Extra Mile Man' Promotes Inspirational Message With US Mayors

November 1 Declared as "Extra Mile Day" by 227 Cities

MARINA DEL REY, Calif., Oct. 26, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Shawn Anderson wanted to do what he could to redirect people's feelings of powerlessness over their own lives. Motivated to take action during a bleak national economic period three years ago, Anderson initiated a "go the extra mile" campaign. Offering people a renewed perspective on how to deal with tough personal and financial situations, Anderson's initial "extra mile" crusade has grown exponentially from one small voice to a movement of voices of political leaders in all 50 states. This year, 227 mayors from large and small cities across the country have joined the effort and have individually declared November 1 as "Extra Mile Day"…a day acknowledging the capacity we each have to create positive change in our families, organizations, communities and world.

"We all talk about wanting change…happiness…more opportunity. However, relying on others to make that happen is only wishing for life to get better," says Extra Mile America Foundation founder Shawn Anderson. "Life can be hard…no doubt. But the 'go the extra mile' message gives people an alternative to just throwing their arms in the air and saying 'I give up!'"

Anderson's desire to spread the "go the extra mile" message originated in 2009. Creating the "Extra Mile America Tour", Anderson, a non-bicyclist, used a symbolic 4,000-mile ocean-to-ocean bike ride to make his "go the extra mile" point. Holding events in 21 major U.S. cities, Anderson interviewed over 200 people who had been identified as going the extra mile in overcoming personal setback or who had risked everything in order to accomplish something extraordinary. At the end of the ninety-day tour, Anderson personally gave away $10,000 to those people whose stories he found especially inspiring. He has continued the "extra mile" push ever since by creating "Extra Mile Day" and dedicating himself to reminding others that if they truly want change in any aspect of their lives, they need to quit pedaling down the same path.

"Going the extra mile is doing more than the normal...more than expected. Going the extra mile is getting back up after we've been knocked down…despite whatever has happened. Going the extra mile is where change starts." Anderson says. "If we want better results in our lives, we can't keep looking at a boss, a spouse or even the President to make our lives better. We need to look into the mirror and be pro-active."

From 23 cities in 2009 to 227 cities in 2011 declaring November 1 "Extra Mile Day"…the "go the extra mile" message is taking root and spreading across the country. Motivated by his own mission of "empowering 1 million people to lead a more purposeful and positive life," Anderson reminds us that we each have the power to promote positive change in our own lives when we go the extra mile.

To see a list of the "Extra Mile Day" cities, please visit www.ExtraMileAmerica.org.

For more information about the Extra Mile America movement, contact info@ExtraMileAmerica.org or call 310-402-4826.

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The following pictures are available for download:

[Image] Shawn Anderson
[Image] 227 Extra Mile Day Cities
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