Robust performance by GEVEKO Material and Contracting Nordic


  · Net turnover amounted to SKr 936.6 million (1,023.5).
  · The operating result was a loss of SKr 5.4 million (loss 8.8).
  · The consolidated result after tax was a loss of SKr 28.3 million
(loss 16.2).
  · The loss per share was SKr 1.55 (loss 1.29).

Third quarter

  ·  Net turnover amounted to SKr 451.8 million (471.0).
  ·  The operating result was a profit of SKr 44.2 million (48.4).
  · The consolidated result after tax was a profit of SKr 17.8 million
  ·  Earnings per share amounted to SKr 1.01 (1.96).

Q3 in brief

  · Continued strong performance by Geveko Material despite higher raw
material prices.
  · Geveko and Safe Road have entered into an agreement on joint product
development and production.
  · Sustained steady growth by Contracting Nordic.
  · Positive trend reversal in sales and margins in Hungary.
  · Segment Central Europe is still incurring heavy losses.
  · Romanian operations are still being adversely impacted by the
country's deteriorating public finances.
  · Geveko is undergoing a strategic evaluation process with the object
of freeing up capital of 100 million kronor and eliminating the losses
originating on the Contracting market, primarily in segment Central
  · New reporting by Segments since the third quarter to more closely
reflect the company's new operative structure and increase the
transparency of the business.

In connection with the release of this report the company's management
will also publish it on the company's website: (  

Comments by Stefan Tilk, CEO and Managing DirectorGeveko Material and
Contracting Nordic are continuing to make good progress despite higher
raw material prices and a precarious global economic situation. Apart
from having increased total revenues in these areas, profitability was
also good. We are still incurring heavy losses on our contracting
markets in Central and Eastern Europe; the Romanian market in particular
is a persistent drain on the result owing to the country's weak public
finances, which has resulted in the postponement of many of our
contracts. Despite the relatively limited contribution to our total
turnover - 10% - of these markets they pulled down our operating result
before depreciation (EBITDA) for the first nine months of the year by
SKr 30.1 million.

Contact for information
Stefan Tilk, Managing Director and CEO
Telephone: +46 (0) 31 17 29 45
Mobile: +46 (0) 702 499 419

The information in this interim report is such that AB Geveko is
required to publish under the terms of the Securities Market Act and/or
the Act concerning Trading in Financial Instruments.The information was
released for publication at 1.30 p.m. on 25 October 2011

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