BOND New York First Real Estate Firm in Country to Launch Facebook Commenting on Firm's Sales Listings

NEW YORK, Nov. 28, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BOND New York,, a NYC residential rentals and sales brokerage, has announced it has launched Facebook "LIKE" and commenting tools on all of its static and listing pages, which allows viewers to comment, like and share BOND property sales listings. In addition, the pages will feature the Google +1 and Tweet This buttons which will allow agents to share listings more readily and increase traffic to the BOND site.

The firm believes it is the first real estate firm in the country to launch such social media tactics.

BOND New York has integrated the social LIKE buttons into its website because the firm's principals feel it is integral to its SEO success now that Facebook is entering the search market with its Open Graph Protocol. Many marketers consider Facebook to be the only real competitor to Google in terms of search marketing.

Over the last few months, major search engines like Google and Bing have made significant changes to how they index and rank content delivered through search portals. They are now using social analytics as a key piece of their search algorithms. What this means is, the more a website page is shared through social media on sites like Facebook and Twitter, the higher these search engines will rank the page.

"Bond New York is on the forefront of firms taping into this potential stream of traffic from Facebook. This is a huge competitive advantage to our agents, our landlords and our sellers," explains Noah Freedman, co-founder, BOND New York. "As a forward-thinking company, we continue to test new techniques by leveraging new search techniques including the Tweet and Google +1 buttons alongside the Facebook "LIKE" Button."

This endeavor also puts BOND New York on the forefront of what has been a gradual move towards transparency in the real estate brokerage business, giving its customers the opportunity to comment and see their peers' comments pertaining to various property listings.

"This is a great benefit to our buyers and sellers as they will be able to benefit from their peers' opinions and insights on our listings," says Freedman. "In addition, because Facebook requires members to sign in under their real name, anonymous commenters are prevented from flaming and a layer of legitimacy and protection for property owners and landlords is added."

About Since 2000, Bond New York has evolved from a two-man operation to a sales force of over 450 licensed salespeople in six state-of-the-art Manhattan offices, making it Manhattan's largest independently-owned firm.

With thriving divisions in residential rentals, leasing and sales, new development marketing, corporate relocation and concierge services, we align ourselves with our clients to engage in a thoroughly collaborative process of finding, selling or renting a home.

