LAP BAND and 1800GETTHIN Help the Couple Lose Weight

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 13, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Together, Ron and Tammie Sayles have lost nearly 200 pounds, thanks to the LAP BAND procedure. Tammie dropped a total of 91 pounds, and she is now 197 pounds, while Ron lost 100 pounds exactly to reach his current weight, which is 203 pounds.

Tammie's coworker had attended a 1 800 GET THIN seminar and then had a LAP BAND procedure. According to Tammie, "I was inspired by her success and realized that if my co-worker could do it, so could I. I discussed the LAP BAND with my husband Ron and convinced him to do it with me."

Tammie had always struggled with her weight, but it had not really been a problem until she had her first child. Her daughter had some medical complications, and Tammie dealt with the stress by eating. Ron's weight gain, on the other hand, was largely due to his unhealthy food choices.

Although Tammie had tried to lose weight through a number of popular diet programs, she simply never achieved the permanent results she wanted. Exercise toned her up but did not cause significant weight loss. "Because of my weight I was at risk for diabetes and was becoming very concerned about my health," she says.

That was when she called 1 800 GET THIN. "The personal service I received after calling 1 800 GET THIN was great. They stayed in contact with Ron and I, and the weight-loss and lifestyle classes that they required were very helpful," Tammie said.

Ron and Tammie achieved more than just weight loss. "The doctors found ulcers in Ron's esophagus that could have become cancerous. He was placed on medication, and the ulcers healed. I feel that they saved Ron's life," she said.

Since the LAP BAND procedures, Tammie says, "Ron and I have renewed intimacy, and I feel like a whole new person. We have more energy than ever. My only regret is not having a LAP BAND earlier. It's like getting a second chance in life to be there for my husband and children." Thousands have been able to take their first steps on the path to a healthier life with the help of 1 800 GET THIN. For more information on losing weight, making positive lifestyle changes, or the LAP BAND procedures, call 1 800 GET THIN today.

Studies show that individuals who undergo LAP BAND surgery may be able to lose 30-50% of their excess weight within 3 years. Note that every medical procedure carries risks and you should consult with your physician before starting any weight loss program.

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