Tillæg til Tilbudsdokument dateret den 21. november 2011 vedrørende frivilligt offentlig betinget købstilbud til aktionærerne i Affitech A/S fremsat af Trans Nova Investments Limited – forlængelse af tilbudsperiode.
Supplement to Offer Document dated 21 November 2011 regarding voluntary conditional public offer to all other shareholders of Affitech A/S, made by Trans Nova Investments Limited –extension of Offer Period
Tilbudsgiver - Trans Nova Investments Limited - meddeler herved at Tilbudsperioden forlænges med 14 dage således at den nu udløber den 25. januar 2012 kl. 20.00 CET. Tilbudsgiver forventer at meddele resultatet af tilbuddet den 30. januar 2012.
The Offeror - Trans Nova Investments Limited - herby announces that the Offer Period is extended by 14 days from 11 January 2012, at 18:00 CET, so that the Offer Period now expires on 25 January 2012, at 20:00 CET. The Offeror expects to publish the results of the Offer on 30 January 2012.
Alle øvrige vilkår ændres ikke.
The other terms the Offer remain unchanged.
Aktionærer der allerede har accepteret tilbuddet er stadig bundet af deres accept and skal ikke foretage sig yderligere.
Shareholders having accepted the Offer will remain bound by their acceptance and do not need to take any further action.
Cypern den 11. Januar 2012
Cyprus, 11 January 2012
Trans Nova Investments Limited
Important Notices
No person has been authorized to disclose information on behalf of the Offeror or any other party other than as contained in this supplement. If information, other than disclosed in this supplement, is given or made, such information cannot be relied upon as having been authorized by the Offeror. This supplement shall not under any circumstances imply in any way that there has been no change in the affairs of the Offeror or Affitech since the date of the Offer Document.
This Offer is not being made directly or indirectly in or into the USA, Canada, Australia or Japan, and the Offer does not apply and cannot be accepted from within the USA, Canada, Australia or Japan. The Offer is not directed at shareholders whose participation in the Offer would require the issuance of an offer document, registration or other activities other than what may be required under Danish law.
The Offer is not made, directly or indirectly, to shareholders resident in any jurisdiction in which the submission of the Offer or acceptance thereof would contravene the law of such jurisdiction, and this supplement may not be distributed to shareholders resident in any such jurisdiction. Any person acquiring possession of this supplement is expected and assumed to obtain on his or her own accord any necessary information on any applicable restrictions and to comply with such restrictions.