David O'Keefe's Witty Take on Jeremy Lin's Rise to Fame an Absolute Slam Dunk!

Nationally Known Pop-Culture Artist Releasing Painting During NBA All-Star Weekend

ORLANDO, Fla., Feb. 23, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pop-culture artist David O'Keefe has been inspired by the "Linsanity'' and will release a tribute painting this weekend of the New York Knicks' Jeremy Lin, the breakout story of the NBA season.

Lin was signed by the Knicks Dec. 27 and spent six weeks sleeping on the couches of his brother and a teammate before being called off the bench and having a huge game Feb. 4. Since then he's been a one-man scoring juggernaut and helped put New York in playoff contention. He also has moved into a new apartment.

O'Keefe said Lin's true-life overnight sensation story inspired him to add him to his collection of pop-culture icons. In the 24x30-inch oil painting, O'Keefe has Lin jumping over a couch and reaching new heights.  

While O'Keefe typically immortalizes more historic icons such as Dirty Harry, Frank Sinatra and movies such as "Caddyshack"" and "The Godfather,'' he said he just had to do a Lin piece. "This is just a phenomenal story and everything about Lin is so inspiring. I mean, he graduated from Harvard and it hasn't produced an NBA player since the 1950s!''  

The new painting and 11x 14-inch reproductions of it will be available starting Saturday at O'Keefe's monthlong exhibition at the Orlando Magic Gallery in CityArts Factory, 209 S. Orange St.  O'Keefe will also be available for interviews on Saturday and Sunday. 

Attached are several photos of O'Keefe and his art. Additional images and video can be found at davidokeefe.com or on Facebook at David O'Keefe Studios. For more information, or to arrange an interview with David, please contact Wayne Curtiss at wayne@davidokeefe.com or at 813-842-2682.

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The following pictures are available for download:

[Image] Lin Art
[Image] David O'Keefe's tribute to Bobby Knight (art)
[Image] David O'Keefe's tribute to Caddyshack – art
[Image] David O'Keefe's tribute to Godfather – art
[Image] David O'Keefe's tribute to Rodney Dangerfield – art
[Image] David O'Keefe's tribute to Seinfeld – art
[Image] David O'Keefe's tribute to The Dude – Big Lebowski – art
[Image] Lin Art 2

