MEDIA ADVISORY: Emmy Award Winning Talk Show Host and Healthcare Advocate Montel Williams to Appear on CNN's Early Start Friday 2/24

NEW YORK, Feb. 23, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Emmy Award Winning talk show host, and noted Healthcare advocate Montel Williams will appear on CNN's Early Start with Ashleigh Banfield and Zoraida Sambolin on Friday 2/24 in the 6:00 am hour. Williams will discuss new health care initiatives, all of which were derived from his own struggles with Multiple Sclerosis. Diet and Exercise play a vital role in keeping his symptoms in check, and Williams will discuss SafSlim, a product that he incorporated into his regime more than a year ago to combat belly fat, as well as various other parts of his wellness regime that he thinks can benefit average Americans.

For more information on this appearance, or for inquiries regarding Montel Williams or SafSlim, please contact LUCID Public Relations.

