Nordic Aluminium’s net sales increased, but operating profit decreased compared to the previous year. Nordic Aluminium’s consolidated net sales in 2011 were EUR 69.66 million (EUR 68.26 million). Consolidated operating profit in 2011 was EUR 14.63 million (EUR 15.86 million). Net profit was EUR 11.07 million (EUR 11.92 million). Return on investment was 27.39 per cent (32.3 per cent) and return on equity 20.6 per cent (23.7 per cent). The Board proposes the payment of a dividend of 2011 2.20 EUR per share for a total payment of EUR 10.64 million (EUR 10.16 million).


Group structure


Nordic Aluminium Plc's parent company is Oy Lival Ab. The Nordic Aluminium Group is made up of the parent company Nordic Aluminium Plc, operating at Kirkkonummi and Nivala, and its subsidiaries Nordic Aluminium Inc. in the United States and Nordic Aluprofiler AB in Sweden.


Net sales and profits


Nordic Aluminium’s consolidated net sales were EUR 69,99 million (EUR 68.26 million). The operating profit of Nordic Aluminium in 2011 amounted to EUR 14.63 million (EUR 15.86 million). Earnings per share for the period were EUR 2.29 (EUR 2.46). Consolidated operating profit was 21.0 per cent from net sales (23.2 per cent).


The share of exports and international operations were 48.0 per cent of net sales as compared with 48.8 per cent the year before. The major export markets in 2011 were Europe, Far-East, and North America.


Last quarter in a nutshell


During the last quarter net sales of Nordic Aluminium, EUR 15.24 million, increased from the equivalent period in the previous year (EUR 15.14 million). The operating profit for the period was EUR 2.56 million (EUR 3.57 million). Earnings per share were EUR 0.43 (EUR 0.56).


Order backlog


Nordic Aluminium's order book at the end of 2011 stood at EUR 3.67 million (EUR 7.22 million). Increase in order backlog in the end of 2010, was mainly due to price increases, which came into effect in the beginning of 2011.


Purchase behaviour in the market tightened even more from last year. Customers are not able to give reliable estimates and order only for actual needs with short delivery times.






Research and development expenses


Nordic Aluminium's research and development expenses in 2011 were EUR 0.11 million (EUR 0.15 million), 0.2 per cent of net sales (0.2 per cent).




Gross investments in 2011 were EUR 4.16 million (EUR 1.85 million).




Return on investment (ROI) in Nordic Aluminium in 2011 was 27.9 per cent (32.3 per cent) and return on equity (ROE) was 20.6 per cent (23.7 per cent). Diluted earnings per share were EUR 2.29 (EUR 2.46). Equity per share was EUR 11.19 (EUR 10.99).


Balance sheet and financing


The consolidated balance sheet total at the end of the 2011 fiscal year was EUR 62.70 million (EUR 61.56 million). Equity ratio was 86.3 per cent (86.4 per cent). Cash flow from operations before interests and taxes was EUR 18.10 million (EUR 17.20 million).




The Board has no current authorisations for the increase of the company's share capital or the procurement of own shares.


Share capital


The total number of Nordic Aluminium Plc´s shares at the end of the fiscal year 2011 was EUR 4,836,882. The registered share capital is EUR 6,191,208.96. All shares have the same voting and dividend rights. Nordic Aluminium Plc’s shares have been listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. since 1997.


Share trading


The shares of Nordic Aluminium Plc are traded at the Helsinki Stock Exchange. The trading identifier is NOA1V and the ISIN code is FI0009006415. A total of 252,128 (390,524) Nordic Aluminium Plc shares were traded on the stock market in 2011 with total value of EUR 7.27 million. The share quotation ranged between EUR 19.00 and EUR 37.25 (EUR 14.94-30.90). The number of shares was 4,836,882 which remained unchanged during the reporting period. The market value of the company’s shares stood at EUR 121.9 million (EUR 137.9 million) at the end of December.


Paid dividends for the year 2010 were EUR 2.10 per share for a total payment of EUR 10,157,452.20.   


Shares and ownership


There were no major changes in the ownership of Nordic Aluminium Plc during the year. At the end of the fiscal year 2011 Nordic Aluminium Plc’s ownership was as follows:


The biggest shareholders Dec 31, 2011     Number of   Share of capital

Owner                                     shares      and votes


Oy Lival Ab                               3,087,945              63.84

Varma Mutual Pension Employment

Insurance Company                           250,000               5.17

Aktia Capital Unit Trust                    217,000               4.49

Evli-Select Mutual Fund                     173,840               3.59

Veritas Mutual Pension Insurance Company    139,000               2.87

Lival-Lindström, Stig                       129,050               2.67

Fondita Micro Cap Mutual Trust               90,000               1.86

Mandatum Life Insurance Company              56,504               1.17

Rausanne                                     56,086               1.16

Mutual Fund Evli Nordic Dividend             35,111               0.73

Others                                      602,346              12.42


Total                                     4,836,882             100.00


The number of nominee-registered shares at the end of 2011 was 14,060 which equals 0.29 per cent of the company's shares and votes. The total number of shareholders at the end of the year was 1,783.


Shareholders by sector Dec 31, 2011       Number of             Share



Companies                                  3,232,013             66.82

Financial and insurance institutions         562,639             11.63

Associations                                 401,000              8.29

Non-profit associations                       31,338              0.65

Households                                   605,400             12.51

Owners outside Finland                         4,762              0.10


Total                                      4,836,882            100.00


Shareholders by size of holdings Dec 31, 2011


Number of shares              Number of       %       Number of      %

                               owners                   shares

        1 – 200               1234        69.21        104,852    2.17

      201 – 2,000              496        27.82        276,296    5.72

    2,001 – 20,000              42         2.36        201,134    4.16

   20,001 – 200,000              8         0.45        699,655   14.47

  200,001 – 2,000,000            2         0.11        467,000    9.65

2,000,001 – 9,999,999            1         0.06      3,087,945   63.84


Total                        1,738       100.00      4,836,882  100.00


Insider issues


Nordic Aluminium Plc adheres to the guidelines for insiders issued by NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. Nordic Aluminium Plc's permanent insiders are: Members of the Board of Directors, Managing Director & CEO, Secretary of the Board and the Members of the Management Group as well as named individuals within the Company's financial administration, sales and marketing and production. The appointed insider issue responsible is the Company's CFO. Up-to-date insider data is maintained in the Central Securities Depository at Euroclear Finland Ltd’s premises.


The Company recommends that the permanent insiders' investments in the Company's are to be long-term investments. According to NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. guidelines for insiders and the Company's own Insider Guidelines trading in the Company's securities should be done at the times when the market has as exact information as possible of the issues and matters influencing the value of the security.


Annual General Meeting


The Annual General Meeting of Nordic Aluminium Plc on March 31, 2011 adopted the financial statements and discharged the members of the Board and the Managing Director from liability. The Meeting also decided to approve the proposal of the Board for a dividend of 2010 EUR 2.10 per share (EUR 1.30) or a total of EUR 10.16 million.


The Annual General Meeting elected Stig Lival-Lindström, Viveka Iisaho, Nina Ehrnrooth and Hans Jonasson regular members of the Board of Directors. The board elected Stig Lival-Lindström Chairman on the same date.


The Annual General Meeting elected Authorised Public Accountant Ernst & Young Oy as Auditor of Nordic Aluminium Plc with Tomi Englund, Authorized Public Accountant, as responsible Auditor.




In 2011 the Nordic Aluminium Group had an average number of 128 employees. The corresponding number for the year before was 156. At the end of 2011 the Group had 105 employees.





The new company culture is now solid part of the company. In order to improve productivity and profitability Nordic Aluminium will continue to take actions and make fine adjustments in every part of the organization.


The Board of Directors expect the net sales to increase during 2012. Competitive production machinery, increased inputs on sales and product development support this expectation. In addition, exporting to Far-East and North America will be increased through internal and external channels.  


The Board of Directors expect the turnover and operating profit to increase during the year.




Risk management


The objective of Nordic Aluminium Plc's risk management is to secure business continuity in all possible situations. The CEO and the Board of Directors are responsible for the risk management.


As part of the risk management the Company’s insurance policies are re-evaluated annually. The factories and commercial activities are full value insured.


Main business risks are related to the uncertainty in the development of the world economy and its influence on market demand and on raw material prices.


The Board’s proposal on the allocation of profits


Net profit of the parent company for the year is EUR 11,212,626.49 and its distributable earnings EUR 32,539,655.82.


The Board proposes that a dividend of EUR 2.20 per share, or a total of EUR 10,641,140.40, will be declared and that the remaining balance of EUR 21,898,515.42 will be retained in profit and loss account.




This release contains certain forward-looking statements that reflect the current views of the Company’s Board of Directors. Due to the nature of these statements, they contain risks and uncertainties and are subject to changes in the general economic situation and in the company’s business sector.


Corporate Governance


Nordic Aluminium complies with The Finnish Corporate Governance Code approved by Securities Market Association. Possible deviations have been stated with reasons at appropriate recommendations. The Corporate Governance statement of Nordic Aluminium is in full view at the Internet site of Nordic Aluminium ( info).


Nordic Aluminium’s Corporate Governance Statement from fiscal year 2011 will be published March 2, 2012 as a separate statement, simultaneously with the Financial Statements Release 2011, at the Company’s home pages.


Accounting policies


These presented annual financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS34 Interim Financial Reporting. Nordic Aluminium applies the same accounting policies as are applied in 2010 annual financial statements.


The financial information is prepared in accordance with international financial reporting standards IFRS.


While the group has only one primary business segment, "Aluminium products", which is equal to the official consolidated income statement and profit and loss account, the annual financial statements do not include separate information over the group's primary business segment.


The key figures in these annual financial statements are calculated with same accounting principles than in year 2010 annual financial statements. The calculation rules of key figures are presented in the financial statements.


The figures presented in the tables below have been rounded to two decimals, which should be taken into account when reading the sum figures.


The financial statements bulletin has been subject to audit.



EUR million

                         10-12/11 %  10-12/10 %  1-12/11 %  1-12/10 % Net sales                   15.24      15.14       69.66      68.26   

Other operating income       0.14       0.01        0.46       0.08

Increase(+) or decrease(-)

finished goods and

work in progress            -0.12       0.80        0.41       0.33   

Raw materials and

consumables                 -8.01      -7.95      -35.72     -31.62   

Personnel expenses          -1.19      -0.89       -6.39      -6.02  

Depreciation and

reduction of value          -0.96      -0.95       -3.99      -4.54  

Other operating expenses    -2.53      -2.59       -9.80     -10.63     

Operating profit         2.56 16.8%  3.57 23.6% 14.63 21.0% 15.86 23.2

Financial items              0.11       0.07        0.22       0.24   

Profit before taxes      2.67 17.5%  3.64 24.0% 14.85 21.3% 16.10 23.6

Income taxes                -0.59      -0.89       -3.78      -4.18      

Net profit for the period2.08 13,7%  2.75 18.2% 11.07 15.9% 11.92 17.5


Profit attributable to:

Owners of the parent     2.08 13,7%  2.75 18.2 11.07 15.9% 11.92 17.5 

Minority interest            0.00       0.00        0.00       0.00      


Other comprehensive income:

Conversion difference        0.02        0.03       0.04      0.13       


Total comprehensive income

attributable to:        

Owners of the parent     2.12 13,8%  2.78 18.4 11.11 15.9% 12.05 17.6 

Minority interest             0.00       0.00       0.00      0.00      


Basic and diluted

earnings per share, EUR       0.43       0.56       2.29      2.46      






EUR million                                 Dec 31,        Dec 31,

                                              2011           2010

Non-current assets

Tangible assets                           25.80              25.31

Goodwill                                   2.25               2.25

Intangible assets                          0.71               0.99

Tradable financial assets                  0.02               0.02           

Deferred tax liabilities                   0.09               0.07

Total                                     28.86              28.64

Current assets

Inventories                                7.09               6.77

Accounts receivable and other

current assets                             9.70               9.60

Advance payments                           0.00               0.04

Financial assets                          17.05              16.51

Total                                     33.84              32.92


Cash in hand and at banks                 62.70              61.56          


EUR million                                 Dec 31,        Dec 31,

                                              2011           2010

Shareholders' equity and liabilities


Shareholders' equity                        6.19              6.19

Share premium account                       3.45              3.45           

Conversion difference                      -0.10             -0.14          

Retained earnings                          44.58             43.66         

Shareholders' equity:

Owners of the parent                       54.13             53.17         

Minority interest                           0.00              0.00

Total                                      54.13             53.17          


Long-term liabilities

Deferred tax liabilities                    2.89              3.20

Provisions                                  0.20              0.20        

Interest bearing liabilities                0.00              0.01        

Total                                       3.10              3.41           


Short-term liabilities

Accounts payable                            5.48              4.96       

Provisions                                  0.00              0.00          

Short-term interest

bearing liabilities                         0,00              0.02           

Total                                       5.48              4.98           


Total liabilities                           8.58              8.39      

Total shareholders' equity and

liabilities                                62,70             61.56        









EUR million                10-12/11   10-12/10   1-12/11   1-12/10


Cash flow from operations

Net profit (loss)           2.08         2.75   11.07        11.92    



  according to plan         0.96         0.95    3.99         4.54      

  Financial items          -0.12        -0.07   -0.22        -0.24     

  Taxes                     0.56         0.88    3.78         4.18      

Cash flow before change

in net working capital      3.48         4.51   18.62        20.40     


Change in net working capital:

  Short-term receivables,

  increase(-)/decrease(+)   3.72         3.84   -0.30        -1.94      


  increase(-)/decrease(+)   0.14        -0.81   -0.31        -0.36      

  Short-term interest

  bearing liabilities

  increase(+)/decrease(-)  -3.09        -3.75    0.09        -0.77     

Total                       0.77        -0.72   -0.52        -3.07     

Cash flow from operations

before interests and taxes  4.26         3.66   18.10        17.20    


Paid interests and payments for

other financial expenses   -0.04        -0.04   -0.29        -0.15     

Received interests and payments

from other financial income 0.16         0.11    0.51         0.39      

Paid income taxes          -0.74         0.75   -3.67        -2.53     

Cash flow from operations(A)3.64         4.49   14.65        14.92     


Cash flow from investing activities

Investments in tangible and

intangible assets          -1.63        -0.90   -4.16        -1.85     

Income from sales of tangible

and intangible assets       0.18         0.00    0.18         0.03      

Repayment of loan receivables0.00        0.00    0.00         0.00      

Cash flow from investments(B)-1.45      -0.90   -3.98        -1.82     


Cash flow from financial items

Rights issue                0.00         0.00    0.00         0.00

Withdrawals of

short-term loans            0.00        -0.07    0.00         0.00 

Amortization of short-

term loans                 -0.01        -0.01   -0.02        -0.01     

Withdrawals of

long-term loans             0.00         0.00    0.00         0.00

Amortization of long-

term loans                  0.00         0.03    0.00        -0.06            

Dividends paid              0.00         0.00  -10.16        -6.29    

Cash flow from financial

items(C)                   -0.01        -0.06  -10.18        -6.36    


Change in cash flow (A+B+C) 2.18         3.67    0.50         6.87     

Conversion difference       0.06         0.03    0.04         0.13      

Total                       2.24         3.70    0.54         7.00     


Cash in hand and at banks

in the beginning of period 14.81        12.81   16.51         9.51      

Cash in hand and at banks

in the end of period       17.05        16.51   17.05        16.51     

Change                      2.24         3.70    0.54         7.00     



EUR million


        Shareholders  Share prem.    Conversion    Retained      Total

             Equity   account        difference    earnings     equity


1.1.2010       6.19         3.45          -0.27       38.03      47.41

Comprehensive income                       0.13       11.92      12.05


Earnings and costs total                                         12.05

Dividends                                             -6.29      -6.29



31.12.2010     6.19         3.45          -0.14       43.66      53.17




1.1.2011       6.19         3.45          -0.14       43.66      53.17


Comprehensive income                       0.04       11.07      11.11


Earnings and costs total                                        

Dividends                                            -10.16     -10.16



31.12.2011     6.19         3.45          -0.10       44.58      54.13



                         10-12/11  10-12/10  1-12/11  1-12/10  1-12/09

Diluted earnings per        

share, EUR                   0.43      0.56     2.29     2.46     0.63    


                                1-12/11     1-12/10     1-12/09

Equity ratio, %                 86.30          86.40      84.40        

Gearing, %                     -31.50         -30.90     -19.80      

Balance sheet total, EUR million62.70          61.56      56.17       



                                1-12/11     1-12/10     1-12/09

Equity/share, EUR                 11.19       10.99        9.80        

Number of personnel at              105         151         125       

the end of the season


                         10-12/11  10-12/10  1-12/11  1-12/10  1-12/09

Investments, EUR million    3.03      0.88      4.16     1.85     6.84     

Average number of personnel  123       154       128      156      207      


Geographical segments:

Net sales

EUR million              10-12/11  10-12/10  1-12/11  1-12/10  1-12/09

Finland                   8.21        7.75     36.22    34.95    34.13    

Other countries           7.03        7.39     33.44    33.31    28.11    

Total                    15.24       15.14     69.66    68.26    62.24   



EUR million               10-12/11 10-12/10  1-12/11  1-12/10  1-12/09

Current income tax           -0.86    -0.55    -4.08    -3.83     0.04   

Change in deferred income tax 0.27    -0.34     0.30    -0.35     1.11    

Total                        -0.59    -0.89    -3.78    -4.18     1.15     



EUR million                     Dec 31,     Dec 31,     Dec 31,

                                   2011        2010        2009

Raw materials and consumables      0.92        1.01        0.97        

Work in progress                   3.80        2.87        2.96        

Finished goods                     2.37        2.89        2.49      

Total                              7.09        6.77        6.42        


Interest bearing loans and borrowings:

EUR million                     Dec 31,     Dec 31,     Dec 31,

                                   2011        2010        2009

Bank loan                          0.00        0.00        0.00        

Obligations under finance leases   0.01        0.03        0.05        

Total                              0.01        0.03        0.05        


Contingent liabilities:

EUR million                      Dec 31,     Dec 31,     Dec 31,

                                   2011        2010        2009

Consignation liability             0.15        0.26        0.33        

Rental and leasing liabilities     4.03        4.89        7.44        

Corporate mortgages given          0.00        0.00        0.00        


Related party disclosures:

EUR million              10-12/11  10-12/10  1-12/11  1-12/10  1-12/09

Sales                     2.04      1.56      10.53      9.49     7.50     

Purchases                 0.01      0.01       0.02      0.03     0.05     


EUR million                     Dec 31,     Dec 31,     Dec 31,

                                   2011        2010        2009

Receivables                        0.09        0.07        0.02        

Accounts payable                   0.00        0.04        0.00       


Order backlog:

EUR million                     Dec 31,     Dec 31,     Dec 31,

                                   2011        2010        2009

                                   3.67        7.22        4.02        


The financial statements for the fiscal year 2011 have been audited. The key data have been calculated as instructed by the FSA Standard 5.1.


Nordic Aluminium Plc’s Annual General Meeting will be held on March 30, 2012.


Nordic Aluminium Plc’s next Interim Report for January-March 2012 will be published on April 20, 2012. All releases can be viewed at Nordic Aluminium's homepages



Kirkkonummi March 2, 2012



Board of Directors


Joakim Berndtsson

Managing Director


For further information please contact:

Joakim Berndtsson, Managing Director, Nordic Aluminium,

phone +358 20 7660 206



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