Jive Launches Advanced Gamification Module

PALO ALTO, Calif., March 28, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Jive Software, Inc. (Nasdaq:JIVE) today introduced Jive Gamification, an advanced gamification module for Jive's market leading Social Business platform. With Jive Gamification, businesses can dramatically increase adoption, engagement and productivity within the Jive network through incentives and activities tailored for specific groups of users. Jive Gamification is powered by Bunchball, and is available for both internal social networks and external communities.

"Gartner expects the adoption of gamification to increase significantly in the next few years, with 70% of Global 2000 organizations gamifying at least one application by 2014 ... Organizations are using gamification internally to recruit, train and enhance employee performance. They are also using it to drive innovation, share knowledge and improve employee health. Gamification is also helping organizations engage external stakeholders in customer loyalty, marketing, education and innovation initiatives."(1)

"We're thrilled to partner with Bunchball," said Nathan Rawlins, VP of Product Marketing at Jive. "For years Jive has used game mechanics to drive user engagement. With Bunchball, we're taking gamification to the next level – we are giving Jive customers the ability to personalize incentives that encourage specific business activities for greater user engagement and business value."

Gamification has a wide range of applications within an organization. In an internal employee community, product development groups could be challenged to help answer questions from the sales team. Sales staff could take part in a competition to see who can complete training materials first. In an external community, contests and rewards could be used to encourage customers to help answer each other's questions and become product champions.

Jive Gamification gives businesses the ability to sustainably engage users with highly personalized, collaborative and rewarding game mechanics. These include role-based missions and challenges, status levels and badges, team-based goals and competitions, real-time feedback and end-to-end fulfillment of virtual or physical rewards. The module enables customers to design incentive programs, or missions, for different types of users and groups within a Jive network.

"At Bunchball, we've learned that surface level integration of gamification is no longer enough," said Jim Scullion, CEO of Bunchball." Our partnership means that Jive can offer enterprises deep, pervasive gamification across their entire platform. Compelling, sustained engagement is quickly becoming a competitive advantage, and Jive Gamification module gives that to Jive customers."

Jive Gamification's unique benefits include:

  • Powerful gamification engine. The module tracks over a hundred specific Jive actions that can be used to define challenges and determine user rewards.
  • Pervasive integration: Gamification elements are seamlessly integrated with the entire Jive experience – in user streams, profiles and groups.
  • Targeted personalization: Game mechanics can be personalized to motivate and reward users based on precise segmentation including geography, roles or departments.

The Jive Gamification module is available now. For more information, visit our website at www.jivesoftware.com.

(1) Gartner, Inc. "Innovation Insight: Gamification Adds Fun and Innovation to Inspire Engagement," by Brian Burke, Dec 20, 2011

About Bunchball

Bunchball is the industry leader in gamification, an innovative way of engaging users, motivating employees and increasing customer loyalty. Gamification works by integrating game mechanics into digital experiences in order to influence and motivate people. This helps drive a deeper, more compelling user experience, which leads to tangible business benefits, such as increased employee productivity, customer loyalty and revenues. Bunchball's cloud-based Nitro gamification platform is being used by some of the world's leading companies to create experiences that combine intuitive game mechanics with compelling content. Bunchball's customers include Adobe, HP, Cisco, Warner Bros., Comcast, LiveOps, VMWare and Hasbro. Based in Silicon Valley, Bunchball's investors include Granite Ventures, Triangle Peak Partners, Northport Investments, and Correlation Ventures. For more information, visit Bunchball online at www.bunchball.com.

About Jive Software

Jive Software (Nasdaq:JIVE) is a leading global Social Business company. We bring social technology innovations from the consumer world into enterprises securely and at scale, changing the way work gets done. Our platform combines the power of big data, enterprise integrations and social collaboration technologies. Millions of people at the world's largest companies are using Jive-powered communities internally and externally to transform their businesses.


