TapeRelief(TM) Replacing Pre-Wrap in Athletic Training and Performance Company to Sponsor CAGEQUEST II MMA Event

LAS VEGAS, April 11, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TapeRelief™, a topical fast-drying cream that creates an effective barrier between medical tape and bandages while providing an ideal surface for those materials to adhere, is now finding increased usage in the sports environment. For years, athletes have used pre-wrap before taping their skin with common complaints of itchiness, increased sweating or other discomfort.

TapeRelief ™ also allows improved joint articulation by removing a layer of bulky pre-wrap, allowing the tape to better engage the muscles and joints, thus improving the tape's intended strength and support. By using TapeRelief, an athlete of any age can effectively negate these irritations while TapeRelief simultaneously provides protection and soothes the skin with an array of natural ingredients.

In recent months, TapeRelief has been the chosen skin protection for numerous competitive Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighters, leading TapeRelief to become a sponsor of the CAGEQUEST II MMA event to be held July 7, 2012 in Lakewood, WA.

"CAGEQUEST II offers TapeRelief™ a great opportunity to prove its worth in the ring with these top athletes," stated Athena Koler, spokesperson for TapeRelief™. "TapeRelief™ has a proven track record in the medical setting, helping those treating wounds, ostomies, and other areas requiring tape and bandaging to prevent contact dermatitis. Now, we're showing again that TapeRelief™ is tough enough to protect the skin in the ultimate competitive setting."

"It should be noted that while TapeRelief™ holds its ground in the professional MMA ring, it also is ideal for young athletes from soccer, gymnastics, softball, cheerleading and more who are tired of the discomfort and expense of pre-wrap," added Koler. "TapeRelief™ protects better than pre-wrap while treating the underlying skin. It is simply a must-have in any first aid kit, medical cabinet, or gym bag."

The CAGEQUEST event coincides with the launch of TapeRelief's new viral video, which packs a punch of its own. It can be viewed at the following link:


In a 2009 report by the British Medical Journal (BMJ), a wound care study found "events such as maceration, allergic reaction, eczema of periulcer skin, and infection as bandage related."

To purchase TapeRelief™ online, click here.

For the latest news and information, please visit http://www.TapeRelief.com

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About TapeRelief™

Based in Las Vegas, Nevada, TapeRelief™ is a unique formula guaranteed to alleviate damage to the skin, blistering and rashes by creating a barrier between sensitive skin and the sticky tape or bandage. TapeRelief™ protects skin without interfering with the performance of these products or their adhesive properties all while its proprietary formula soothes and renews. Statements herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results may vary.

For the latest news and press, please visit http://www.TapeRelief.com


