Watch Out for Wildlife: CAA North & East Ontario Urges Drivers to Exercise Caution on the Road this Spring

OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - May 8, 2012) - Backyard barbecues and weekend road trips are not the only things making a return with the warmer weather and sunshine. The change in season also brings with it the re-emergence of active wildlife and, unfortunately, an increase in the number of vehicle collisions involving animals.

With May and June being among the peak periods for wildlife collisions, CAA North & East Ontario is reminding motorists to exercise caution when driving this time of year.

"Collisions involving wildlife continue to remain high in communities throughout North & East Ontario, which is why our Club is again urging motorists to be vigilant when driving along local roadways and highways this spring season," said Tim Georgeoff, President and CEO of CAA North & East Ontario.

According to the Ministry of Transportation (MTO), in 2007 there were 13,954 vehicle collisions involving a wild animal reported, though many more go unaccounted each year. The MTO also notes that on average a vehicle collision with wildlife occurs every 38 minutes in the province, and one out of every 17 motor vehicle collisions involves a wild animal.

CAA North & East Ontario advises all road users to be particularly cautious when travelling in rural areas, and pay special attention to yellow warning signs that have been posted to identify areas that have a history of wildlife collisions.

Here are some other tips for avoiding wildlife collisions:

  • Constantly scan the roadway and its shoulders;
  • Use high beams when possible and watch for the glowing eyes of animals;
  • Brake firmly if you see an animal crossing or standing on the road; do not expect that the animal will move out of your way;
  • Never swerve your vehicle suddenly to avoid an animal as this could cause you to lose control and head into oncoming traffic;
  • Wildlife often travel in groups - if you see one, others may follow;
  • If possible, avoid driving at dusk and dawn, which is when the majority of wildlife collisions occur.

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Contact Information:

Erin Kelly
Communications Specialist
CAA North & East Ontario
Cell: 613-290-3648