Atlanta Chiropractor Launches New Chiropractic Care Website

ATLANTA, May 13, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PSS Injury & Wellness Center in Atlanta has just released a new website for their chiropractic care practice. Dr. Edward Schneider, a chiropractor at the center, says that the new website was designed to provide a wide-range of information about wellness, spinal health, chiropractic healthcare, massage therapy, personal injury and other conditions treated at the center. The website includes patient forms, a new blog, as well as a link to their new social media outlets on Facebook and Twitter. He hopes that patients and people curious about chiropractic will find the site helpful.

According to Dr. Schneider, the most critical aspect of the site is providing useful health information. "Many people still don't understand what chiropractic care is, how it works and how a chiropractor could help them. The website has an extensive library that explains how we help people find lasting, natural relief from many injuries and chronic conditions through spinal alignments, massage therapy and other techniques. Some think that chiropractors only help with back pain and neck pain that people sustain in car accidents or personal injury situations. But we also help with so many other things like headaches and migraines, fatigue, sciatica, carpal tunnel… chiropractic is about overall wellness, and the website shows that."

One of the new website features is the 3D Spine Simulator. He says that this interactive part of the website visually demonstrates how the alignment of the spine affects overall health. By clicking on an individual vertebra in the simulator, people can learn how poor posture or a personal injury that causes a spinal misalignment may affect overall health. To the right of the clickable spine, the animation shows which nerves are affected by the alignment of each vertebra. To the left, it shows which organs are controlled by those nerves. Dr. Schneider says that many visitors to the site have commented on how much they learned about their own bodies by using the 3D Spine Simulator.

The website was also designed to give patients and visitors new, convenient ways to connect with the center's doctors and staff. Dr. Schneider says that new patients can download, print and fill out essential forms at home before their first appointment. He says this gives the doctors and patients more time to get to know each other and work on their health issues while in the clinic. Patients can also request and schedule appointments through the website.

Dr. Schneider says interaction between patients and center staff is another primary goal for the new website. "Our new blog and social media pages will give patients another way to interact with us, ask us questions and learn about wellness. We're very excited about it! "

PSS Injury & Wellness Center treats patients throughout East Atlanta, Ormewood, Grant Park and Moreland with spinal and extremity adjustments, massage therapy and Kinesio Taping. Their new website is

