Every Day is Memorial Day for Bugles Across America

WINCHESTER, Calif., May 23, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With Memorial Day just around the corner, many of us think about the US military veteran in our family—someone who served in World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam and others.

We honor the sacrifices of these men and women with parades and other celebrations and watch with pride as the old-timers stand to salute during the National Anthem.

As a nation, we remind ourselves about those in uniform, noting that currently over half a million veterans pass away each year, with the sound of TAPS echoing at military funerals throughout the land.

In 2000, Congress passed legislation guaranteeing veterans the right to have TAPS played at their funerals, but there are not nearly enough buglers available for live performances at every burial. A portable stereo playing TAPS from a CD was a good attempt, but good wasn't "good enough" for retired Marine and bugler Tom Day.

Day felt the digital recording did not provide the dignity and respect these veterans deserve, so in May of 2001 he founded Bugles Across America (BAA).  Day quickly recruited over 2,800 buglers, and now has volunteer buglers in all 50 states and even some overseas.

"The passing of an American veteran is not only a loss to their family, but also to our country," said Mike Lynch, president of national nonprofit organization Help Hospitalized Veterans (HHV).

"HHV is extremely pleased to support the mission of Bugles Across America so that this sacred music may be performed by a live bugler at every veteran's gravesite.  HHV believes that BAA has filled a very important and humbling need and we are proud to sponsor this program.  It is truly a worthwhile endeavor," Lynch added.

In addition to direct support for programs such as Bugles Across America and many of the Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA) annual national rehabilitative events, HHV has donated over 27 million therapeutic arts & crafts kits to VA and military hospitals worldwide since its inception in 1971.  Visit www.hhv.org for more information, or call toll-free (888) 567-VETS.

