Cooperation agreement with EDC-gruppen a/s and sale of Bolig Fyn A/S

Faaborg, Denmark, 2012-05-24 09:30 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sparekassen Faaborg A/S and the real estate chain EDC-gruppen a/s have entered into a cooperation agreement which applies to the whole of Funen. The agreement includes mutual reference of customers and mediating of mortgage credit loans. The agreement is valid as from 24 May 2012 and is expected to provide both parties with a number of new customers.

In connection with the cooperation agreement an agreement concerning the sale of Sparekassen Faaborg A/S’ 100 percent owned subsidiary Bolig Fyn A/S to EDC with effect from 24 may 2012 has been made.

Sparekassen Faaborg expects that the agreements will have a positive effect, but moderate, on the group results for 2012.

         CEO Claus Sejling, phone +45 6361 1814

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