Country Music Star Brings Craft Kits and Joy to Middle East

WINCHESTER, Calif., June 5, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Country music singer and songwriter Lucas Hoge will soon be in Afghanistan to entertain and visit with U.S. troops. Hoge, who prefers entertaining at forward operating bases, something which few get the opportunity to do, said, "Our tours aren't about going out and doing big shows with bright lights, they're about boosting spirits and morale.  One base we visited hadn't seen civilians in two years!

"These are the men & women fighting on the frontlines, and when they see us in our cowboy boots and hats, their faces really light up," he added.  Hoge will once again be teaming up with Armed Forces Entertainment, Wrangler National Patriot and American300 in sponsoring this year's tour.  His song "If Only I Could" was featured on the WB hit show Smallville, and Hoge also stars in the Animal Planet show, "Last Chance Highway."  His song "Medal of Honor" garnered critical acclaim and is included in his CD "Music For The Troops."

This year, Help Hospitalized Veterans (HHV) is joining as one of the tour sponsors.  "HHV is proud to support Lucas Hoge's upcoming tour to Afghanistan," said HHV President and CEO Mike Lynch.  In preparation for the event, HHV shipped dozens of arts & crafts kits to the U.S. military base in Afghanistan, which Hoge will distribute to sick and injured troops.

"I'm proud that my dad, uncle and cousins served our country, so being able to give a little back by singing for our troops is great," said Hoge.  "Our tour in Afghanistan last year meant the world to them and it meant the world to me," he added.

This is not the first time HHV craft kits have found their way to the Middle East, however, as for years numerous medical units overseas have been utilizing HHV kits to treat combat-related stress, regain the strength and dexterity of wounded limbs, help hand-eye coordination and countless other physical and mental therapeutic needs.

"HHV is thrilled that Lucas Hoge and his team will be traveling throughout dangerous war zones in support of our brave troops.  This group deserves our utmost gratitude for putting smiles back on the faces of those who are paying the steep price for our freedom," added Lynch.

HHV, the largest supplier of arts & crafts kits to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and military hospitals worldwide has delivered over 27 million kits, free of charge, since its inception in 1971.  HHV also provides direct support to many of VA's annual therapeutic special events.  For more information about Help Hospitalized Veterans programs and sponsorships, visit or call (888)-567-VETS.

Photos accompanying this release are available at:

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